Chapter 17

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It had been two days after Scarlett promised to help the council. She was happy that she was helping to resolve matters, but still was in shock about her powers. 

"Mediator?" She whispered to herself laughing about her title.

"Scarlett?" She turned around from her locker to face the source of the voice. It was Ethan.

"Hey!" She said happily. "How are you liking it here?" 

"It's a nice school." He said putting his hands in his pockets. "I met up with a senior, Ryan? I'm sure you know him."

"Yah, I do actually. he was one of the first people I met." 

"He told me." Ethan replied. "I was hanging out with him in English, he came by to give something to the teacher and after the bell rang he started talking to me. He wanted to talk to you." Ethan said. 

"Really?" She questioned. "That's weird, in my other school the seniors never really talked with the freshmen." 

"I was going to say the same. He's in the cafe right now, it's your lunch right now as well right?" She nodded her head. 

"You can come with me if you want?" She gestured. And he followed her. 

When they entered the cafe the saw Ryan sitting alone on one of the lunch tables. He saw them and waved for her to come over. 

"Hey Scarlett." He smiled. 

"Hi." She gave one back. 

"Sup Ethan?" They had their own little handshake going on. 

"You know Scarlett, Ethan is a distant relative of mine." Ryan mentioned. 

"Really? That's cool." They all started eating for a while then Scarlett rose a question. 

"So Ryan, what did you wanna talk about?" She asked. 

"Actually something that Ethan and I wanted to talk about." He said. 

"Ok." Scarlett nodded her her head. 

"How about we go outside and talk about it?" Ryan asked. 

"Sure." Scarlett agreed. They finished their food and went out to the back of the school building. 

"So first off I would like to say congratulations on being a mediator." Ryan said smiling and Scarlett froze on the spot. 

How did he know! Her thought process was confused. Was he an immortal too? 

"H-how." Was all she managed to get out. "Ethan? You too?" She questioned. 

She furrowed her eyebrows, her mouth hung open. "So is everyone in Nightshade some sort of immortal?" 

"Almost." Ethan replied. 

"So then what are you two?" She crossed her arms. 

"Well, i'm a werewolf. You can tell cause of my body." Ryan said proudly with a hint of arrogance. 

"And i'm a warlock." Ethan said. 

"So is this like a 21st century Halloween town?" Scarlett still in disbelief.

Ethan and Ryan chuckled. "No." They said together. 

"Sort of. " Ryan admitted. "But we wanted to talk about the feud."

"You know its in between Vampires and Werewolves right?" She asked. 

"Yes, but then the witches and warlocks, spirits and goblins they are divided between the two." Ethan said. "Some of us are neutral and don't want to be part of the war but most of them are." He explained. 

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