Chapter 12

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After class Scarlett lead Ethan out and they walked to his locker. 

"So the washrooms are conveniently a few feet away from your locker and your locker is next to good people. So you're all set." Scarlett said cheerfully. Already knowing the school even after being fairly new to her surroundings.

"Thanks." was all Ethan said. 

She guided him to the Cafeteria and showed him where to sit and how to purchase the food with the student card. He bought his lunch and came back to the table Eric and Scarlett were sitting at. 

"Eric this is Ethan, Ethan this is Eric." She introduced them. Eric became a little defensive towards Ethan because of his obvious crush on Scarlett. But considering Ethan was taller than Eric, it was amusing instead. 

"Okay guys I have to go." Scarlett said hurriedly. 

"Why?" Eric asked. 

"I'll tell you later. Bye guys." She waved as she ran passed everyone, she shoved her belongings into her locker and slipped on her hoddie. It was a little chilly outside. She went out the front doors of the school and walked towards the fence. She took a deep breath and advanced around the parking lot. She saw a tall figure standing in a distance, it was Adrian's back faced towards her. 

"Adrian." She asked softly. He turned around with a pained look on his face. "What's wrong?" A concerned look reflecting on her. 

"My father." He began. He slumped against a tree and slid down. Scarlett quickly came by his side. She didn't know how to comfort him, there was a long silence. "My father was killed." He kept a cold look on his face. "I am not surprised, the way he behaved and treated the others was not right." Adrian explained, some what trying to comfort himself.

"Is there anything I could do to help you?" Scarlett asked. He shook his head.

"I know that you aren't aware about this town so there isn't much you could do. I just needed someone to confide in." He said. She nodded her head. 

"So who is the new council leader." She asked and he let out a long sigh. 

"It rightfully belongs to me, the position. But now the rest of the council members are being immature and fighting over it." He said in disgust. 

"What about your family."

"There isn't much they can do, my mother can just sit there and watch, mourn over the lose of her husband. And for Amanda, she could do whatever she wants for all I care." Adrian was fed with all the nonsense. "I just wish that everything could go back to the way it used to be. People say that the human race is cruel, clearly they don't know what it's like to be immortal." He finished. 

"Adrian, that is sort of irresponsible. You can't just get up and walk away from a problem. You have to face it." Scarlett said placing her hand on his shoulder. 

He suddenly got up with great force. "You're right." 

She smiled. "So what's the plan?" 

He gave her a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, how can I help?" She asked. 

He let out a laugh, "You're too young." 

Scarlett let out a puff, "I may be young but I gave you smart advice." She justified. 

"That's true." he said. "But it's too dangerous. Trust me when I say you're too young." Just before he left he whispered in her ear. "You still have to discover about yourself, and who you are." Before she could ask anything else he had vanished. 

"What does that mean?" She asked out loud. She stared at the direction in which he left. Slowly she turned around and head back inside the school. Before she could go back she had an encounter with Veronica. 

Veronica stood in front of Scarlett with two other blondes standing behind her. "You know, as much as you must be jealous of my looks just keep one thing in mind." Scarlett had a very confused look on her face. "That new boy is mine." Scarlett raised an eyebrow. 

"And how is that?" Scarlett asked crossing her arms. 

"Have you seen yourself, you can barely dress yourself properly. And he would never like a girl like you." She said. 

"Who said I liked him?" 

"Oh please, I saw the way you were drooling over him." Veronica insisted. 

"Why are you wasting my time." Scarlett asked getting frustrated. 

"Just letting you know that this is my territory." 

"That is pathetic, you clearly have nothing better to do. Do you ever think about what you're saying?" Scarlett asked genuinely curious as to what Veronica had against her. 

"Lis-" Veronica was interrupted. 

"Scarlett," Ethan came out the front doors. "Come inside. Eric and I are waiting for you." 

Scarlett gave Veronica a smirk and walked inside the school to where Ethan and Eric were. Right before she left Veronica's eyes flashed green again. 

"So, how are you two acquaintances doing?" Scarlett asked. 

"Actually, Ethan and I have a lot in common." Eric said, Ethan nodded his head. 

"That's good." Scarlett said, they walked past Grace's locker and then the question rose. "Eric, I'm worried about Grace." She said, Scarlett looked at Ethan expecting him to be confused but Eric had told him about Grace. 

"Same here, she hardly ever misses school." Eric said. 

"I hope she's okay." Scarlett said. The bell rang signalling the three to depart to their classes. 

When the day was over, Scarlett returned home without any interruptions. She plopped her bag down, not receiving any homework. So she had a very lazy evening planned for the remainder of the day. She had a light snack and walked to her room. The first thing she did was call Grace. She went through her contacts and called her friend. 

"Hello?" She was greeted by a soft and gentle voice. 

"Hello, I was wondering if I could speak with Grace?" She asked. 

"Oh, you must be Scarlett I have heard many good things about you." Scarlett knew that it was Grace's mother.

"Oh, thank you, I'm guessing your Mrs. Spencer?" She asked. 

"Yes, hon it is. Grace is sleeping right now." Mrs. Spencer replied. 

"Oh, is she okay?" Concern wrapped around her question. 

"Yes she is. It's uh just a flu." Mrs Spencer said unsure. 

Scarlett rose an eyebrow, "Okay, could you let her know I called?" 

"Ofcourse Scarlett." She said. 

"Thanks again, Mrs. Spencer." 

"No problem dear." 

Scarlett ended the call. "That didn't sound right, at all." She said out loud. 

Scarlett grabbed her laptop and plopped onto her bed. She searched about the history of Nightshade. The second she pressed enter, all she could see was 'myths, mysteries, unsolved cases, creatures.'

She furrowed her eyebrows and clicked on the first website. The website had all sorts of stories and mythologies that dated back hundreds of years. The were lists of hauntings and creatures said to be seen. The website said the the whole town was said to be full of different creatures. Scarlett slapped her laptop shut and let out a long sigh. She knew that her friends were keeping a secret from her, a very big one. 

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