Chapter 19

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Everyone stared at Scarlett's parents standing outside the door, furious with her actions.
"I can explain-" Adrian began.

"We don't want to hear anything! Where is Scarlett?" They asked still outside the front doors, not stepping inside.

"How about you come inside, and we will explain." Aurora walked towards them.

"We just want Scarlett." Mr. Frost said firmly. Scarlett walked up, behind Adrian. A little scared of the possible unfolding of events.

"You have to go to them Scarlett." Adrian whispered to her.

"I-" She didn't know what to say, she knew that they her parents were scared for her. But she knew that she was safe.

"Can't you hypnotize them or something?" she asked still whispering.

"Compel your parents? Are you out of your mind?"


He let out a sigh, walked closer to Mr. and Mrs. Frost. "Scarlett is safe, she will return to you both. But right now we need her help, go back home and know that Scarlett is safe." He said looking them in their eyes. They nodded and said bye to him and Scarlett. She began to cry and left the room.

"I'll get her." Aurora said. Scarlett fled through the mansion and ran into the library, without using her hands, she slammed the doors shut with her powers.

"Scarlett honey, it's okay." Aurora said her hands pressed on the doors, she looked back at Adrian. He was rubbing his forehead in frustration. "Scarlett, get out!" He roared.

She stayed inside, "Scarlett!" He was losing his patience and kicked the door open.

"Leave me alone Adrian!" She yelled, her tears pouring out.

"Why? What do you think you will achieve by running away and crying?" He asked her.

"You think I wanted any of this? I never asked to have powers, I never asked to be stuck in this mess. I wish that I never even moved from King city! I was so much happier there!" She screamed.

"You discovering your powers was inevitable ." He explained.

"But I don't want to live like this Adrian," She looked at him intensely. "Not only did I lie to my parents, but I had to have you compel them."

"You don't need to feel guilty, everything will be ok after you help us with the feud." He explained.

"Oh, so that's what it's all about! You all are just using me to solve your problems!" She screamed, flabbergasted.

"I can't believe this!" Adrian bellowed, he ran towards her and grabbed her shoulders. "Why are you jumping to conclusions?"

"Adrian, you're hurting me!" She whimpered.

"I won't let go until you answer my question!" He roared even louder.

"Adrian, you're making me mad." Scarlett said with a warning tone.

"How can you think such a thing? We would never use you." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Sure looks that way." Scarlett pushed him off her, and he went flying across the room knocking over books. William and Aurora ran inside.

"What is the problem with you two?" William asked and Aurora shaking her head disapprovingly.
"And Adrian, how could you compel her parents like that?" She asked.

"I-I'm sorry." Adrian said, guilt spreading across his face. "But we wouldn't have gotten anywhere with them worried about Scarlett." he explained.

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