Chapter 5

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"Hey mom, I was wondering if I could stay over at my friends place?" Eric was asking his mother for permission to stay at Scarlett's house while Grace did the same.

"My mom said I can stay, she will pick me up at around 6:30." Grace informed Scarlett. She had already told her parents that she was having her friends over.

"Scarett Frost, yah she's new to Nightshade. Okay, thanks mom. Love you too." He mumbled and whispered the last part but the girls heard.

"That's so sweet." Scarlett and Grace giggled.

"Yah yah, now lets get to work." he brushed the comment aside.

The three acquaintances made their way out of garage door and followed Grace blindly, to the destination. The navigated their way through a small forest and then they face a gigantic house towering over them. Vines had crawled up on the side if the house. The were behind pine trees that the three were standing next to and a bush garden. It seemed that the property wanted to be secluded from the neighbourhood, the town.

"Okay, what is this place?" Scarlett asked herself, not satisfied with what they had said before.

"Well we have exactly an hour to get back, it's 5:30 now." Eric looked at his watch

Grace saw Scarlett looking up at the sky and started to stare at the moon, it was full tonight. The starry sky fascinated Scarlett. Grace shook her arm and pointed at something or someone making their way towards the house.

"Who are they?" Scarlett asked assuming that they were people.

Eric looked at where she was pointing then suddenly tackled her behind a bush, pulling Grace with him. He dished both of them from making any noise.

"We can't be so loud ." he whispered.

"We should go back, it's not safe." Grace said, worried.

"No, wait." Scarlett was suddenly intrigues by the mysterious group of said immortals.

They walked inside the mansion. 

"We need to get a closer look." Eric and Grace looked at Scarlett as if she had lost her senses. 

"Do you want to die!" Eric whisper, yelled at her.

Scarlett didn't listen, she walked a little closer a little closer, then even more closer and hid behind the nearest bush. She looked back at her friends and motioned for them to follow her. 

"She's going to get all of us killed." Eric said before crawling up next to her.

Grace was a little hesitant, but seeing Eric and Scarlett there alone wasn't a good idea either so she followed them. They were near a window and tried to see as much as they could. Slowly, Scarlett crept her head upwards to get a better view of the mansion inside. There were candles everywhere, they were the only illuminations inside, there was a long formal table and it looked like a council sat there. they were discussing about something. 

"Guys, it's getting darker." Grace was fearful by the second. 

"Hold on, I think I can hear them." Scarlett raised her head a little more so that her ears were able to hear properly. 

"No! Why should we leave? Our ancestors were here long before you were. This entire town belongs to us!" A middle aged man spoke. 

Then another man stood up. "Why can't we share? We have been until now!"

"That's because we cooperated, but our cousins from other covens have told us things about your kind, they had warned us not to get involved with you creatures. My family didn't listen we gave you a chance!"  The middle aged man was getting aggravated. 

"Creatures?" Scarlett didn't whisper, in a split second the three knew that the immortals inside must've heard. They ran for their lives. 

"Who's out there?!" one of the middle aged men spoke. "Adrian, go get them and bring them to me."

"But father, I don't think anyone was there." His son said back.

"My powers tell me that someone was there. And it was a human!" everyone started to murmer and gasp, the council was looking around frantically. 

Adrian ran, he followed the human scent. While the vampire with super speed was chasing the three friends down they had no chance. 

"I think we lost them." Scarlett was puffing. She starting smiling. "See? No immortals. You guys were told stories." She laughed even more until they heard rustling leaves. Eric and grace were terrified. 

"Scarlett run." Eric told her. 

"But why?" Grace lead the way back huffing and puffing while Eric tried to drag Scarlett with him.

Adrian was watching his prey, behind the forest trees. He didn't want to hurt them but he had no choice. It was his fathers command. 

He was targeting Scarlett. Grace and Eric were ahead of her and she was trying to catch up but it was too late. Adrian swung her up from a tree branch. 


Hey Lovelies, 

Watcha think?

I'll try to update a bit sooner possibly not this weekend cause of hmwrk :(

-xoangelxo <3

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