Chapter 15

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||This chapter is dedicated to one of my first friends on Wattpad. ABartofficial (Andrew) The chapter itself has no relevance but I just felt the need to do so. Love you so much XOXO *Dimples* ||


It had been a week since Grace's first shift. Scarlett was introduced deeper into the immortal world, having visited the Spencer's household thrice in the past week alone. Scarlett was in her bedroom, finishing her homework on a normal Friday evening. Her phone vibrated on her night table and she reached lazily to answer the message.

Grace- Hey Scar! Eric and I want to show you something, could you meet us by the river?

Scarlett- Let me call my parents to let them know. I'm on my way.

She quickly dialed her parent's shop and her mother answered.

"Hello dear."

"Hey mom, are you guys coming home late tonight?"

She let out a long sigh, "Unfortunately, yes. We just got a shipment from an Egyptian heritage supplier, so it will take us some time."

"Oh, ok. I just wanted to ask if I could meet Grace and Eric, we'll just be near the river."

There was a long pause.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"What? Why not? Mom, I really want to go see Grace and Eric, they're only friends here." Scarlett whined.

"No you will not go. You remember what happened last time you went outside alone, I don't want that to happen again." She had a warning tone.

"Well, that's because I was lost. Now I know where I'm going."

"I said no, and that's final." Mrs, Frost said sternly.


"NO, this is the end of the discussion!" She hung up the phone.

Scarlett threw her phone on her bed. She sat on her bed idol, not knowing what to do. Her phone caught her attention, it glowed as her room got darker.

Grace- So are you coming?

Scarlett stared at the screen, debating on what she would say.

Scarlett- Yup, give me 5 minutes :)

Scarlett ran downstairs and slipped on her running shoes. She knew what she was doing is wrongShe jogged her way over to the river, near the forest where she had got lost the first week she had moved to Nightshade. She saw Eric and Grace as she slowly approached the river, both of them showing bright smiles.

"Hey." They greeted her.

"Hi." She was panting just a little bit.

"What took you so long." Eric asked, as the trio began to walk up stream.

"Well, I'm not actually allowed to come here." The both of them gave her a shocked look.

"Rebel." Eric sang teasingly.

"Shut up Eric." Scarlett slapped his shoulder playfully and he chuckled.

"But my parents will come home late, so I'll get home before they do." She said assuring them.

There was silence as the reached the entrance of the forest.

"So...what do you two want to show me?" She asked eagerly.

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