Prove It

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A/N: Another horrible, bad written and unnecessary Lams fanfic made by me, "yai".

A/N2: I am so sorry for any grammar errors you will find, English is not my first language but I'm trying plz. Feel free to correct me on any monstrosity I may have written!


If John Laurens was known in Campus for one thing, it's for being the one of the most charming boys to ever exist, according to most girls. According to most guys, though, he simply was the biggest fuckboy ever, and an asshole.

That was not the entire truth. While John was indeed a fuckboy, it wasn't for his pleasure. The reason, and I mean the real reason, not some petty gossip spread through social media, is that John simply couldn't accept the fact that he is a raging homosexual, so he came up with a stupid plan in attempt to "cure" his extreme gayness, and that plan consisted in sleeping with every girl he could.

Of course, that plan didn't work for obvious reasons.

But John was a stubborn little fuck so he didn't give up anyways.

He was starting to think that all his life would be the same, an endless cycle of nameless girls on his bed with no happy ending. With no chances of being normal. With no chances of finding love.

And so that's what he thought, until some unexpected changes occurred.

One morning he woke to see a note placed carelessly on his desk. Apparently his roommate, an obnoxious but cowardly guy named Charles Lee, had had exchanged dorms without telling him, and now he would have to spend the rest of the year with another guy who would probably hate him too, what a joy, right?

He had to admit thought, he wasn't about to complain. John really hated Charles Lee.

He shrugged and got ready for class, the hint of a smirk on his face. He knew by the time he arrived his new roommate would be here, meaning no more Charles Lee . Afterwards the male picked up his backpack, which had been thrown carelessly to the floor the day before. Just when he was about to leave Laurens turned around and walked toward the kitchenette, he had almost forgotten his coffee.

Fun Fact: John Laurens can't function without coffee.

He left the dorm, confident that he had everything in hand this time, and walked toward his first class. He couldn't wait to meet his new roommate, with luck he wouldn't be another Lee and who knows, Laurens may even finally get a friend.


It was late. John was tired. College classes sucked. And he must be hallucinating because the moment he opened his dorm's door he saw the prettiest human being to possibly ever exist. He was sitting in what used to be Lee's old desk, his warm brown eyes focused on his laptop screen and a few rebel strands of hair attempted to scape he messy bun they were trapped in, and John felt the sudden urge to tuck them behind the boy's pierced ear.

From the moment he laid his eyes on him, he knew he was screwed. He felt inevitably attracted to the boy, as if his heart was pulling him toward the him like a crazy magnet. But this boy was also his new roommate, and John wasn't gay. He may have moments of weakness, but he wasn't a homosexual. And besides, there is nothing wrong with simply admiring aesthetic beauty, right? Regardless, he immediately tried to wipe those thoughts away. He was not gay.

"John, c'mon, pull yourself together. You're straight, remember that!" His brain seemed to be telling him.

A few seconds after the door creaked open, the cute guy glanced at the direction of the noise and locked eyes with him with a tired look on his face. John immediately felt like his chest had been impaled with an elephant horn, but like, in a good way. Meanwhile, Mr. Cutie Face frowned at the sight of him, and John wanted nothing more than to kiss that frown away— NOPE.

"Oh" He said, kinda grumbling. "So you're my new roommate, John Laurens? What a....surprise. I can't say it's a pleasant one, though." Mr. Cutie Face was obviously making his best effort on not saying something too rude to John, which was bad, but John's dumbfounded brain seemed to be having a hard time getting that.

"Y-You know who I am?" Laurens said stupidly.

'Did I just stutter!? What the fu—'

"Yeah, I mean everyone knows who you are. The tallest, most handsome, and charming boy in the whole school" Mr. Cutie Face said in a dramatic tone.

His brain was still on short circuit, but he got the slight impression that he didn't stand a chance on making a good first impression. He tried uselessly to say something to defend his honor, but the boy beat him to the punch.

"You know" He spoke while going back to his work, angry undertones on his voice. "I know people like you. You act though and shit but I can see straight right through your act. And you can say whatever you want, sweetheart, but I am so damn sure the only reason you do what you do is 'cause you are probably a really big closet case." He finished saying while chucking, though John couldn't tell if his laugh held any humor in it.

"W-What!?" Was the only thing is mouth could sputter.

"You heard me, I know a gay when I see one, Laurens"

"I'm not gay!" John screeched, making his roommate raise a brow.

"Prove it."

A/N: Kids if you wanna make friends don't be like Alexander.

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