Nail Polish

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A/N: Before you start kink shaming, "papi" and "mami" are very common nicknames in the Caribbean, so no, Alex does be have a daddy kink. Now that you know this, you can kink shame if you want (??)

"So you're saying, that you and Laurens have been fucking basically since you changed dorms?"


"And that you somehow got a crush on the biggest fuckboy on College"


"And that the biggest fuckboy on College is gay and has been all this time!?"


"And now you're dating!?"


Angelica took a deep breath and put her head on her hands. "This is so mess up"

"I knew it" Peggy deadpanned.

"How!?" The other two sisters asked at the same time.

"Well, Alex said that John Laurens had an obsession with Heathers and basically any cliche High School drama, just like the mysterious crush. Plus, he never wanted to tell us who the crush was and always seemed almost embarrassed when talking about John, it was kinda obvious"

"...What the hell Peggy"

"Love ya' too Angie"

"Just" Eliza said. "Please don't hurt him John, not more than you've already done. Take good care of him"

"I wouldn't dream of hurting my baby ever again, I was being stupid" John answered, hugging Alexander by the waist and kissing his temple.

"Johnnn" Alex whined. "Not in front of the Schuylers" He said as he hid his flustered face on John's chest.

"Fuck" Angelica said. "They're actually cute"

"The cutest" John corrected.

"Shut up gay ass"

"Your gay ass"

"Ok that's enough you're too gay"

"The gayest"

"Shut up John"

"Sorry Heather" Angelica and Laurens mumbled.

"Yep, this was a bad idea"


Back in their dorm Alexander's green nail polish had already dried up. He proudly looked at his nails and picked his nail polish to put it away when John spoke.

"Hey, Alex"

"Yes babe?"

"Can you, um, I wanna–I don't—"

"What's wrong papi?" He turned around to see his boyfriend's uneasy face.

"Can you paint my nails?" He mumbled.

"Wait, really!?" He nodded. "Hell yeah!" He opened his drawer and took all of his nail polishes excitedly.

"I have red, light and dark blue, yellow, green, pink, black, orange, purple, and transparent, I think purple would look good on you babe"

"Yeah, purple is ok" He said shyly. Alex had never seem him so vulnerable. He took the purple nail polish and started painting the nails on his right hand.

"Why do you want to paint your nails so suddenly?" He asked.

"I don't know..It just looked pretty on you and I wanted to look pretty too.."

Alex smiled at his boyfriend and kissed his hand lovingly. "You're gonna look beautiful"

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