The One In Which They Try To Be Just Friends

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It would be hard to pinpoint the exact moment Alexander started willingly talking to John again. It wasn't a conscious decision, just a gradual erosion of the anger and disappointment he felt after what he mentally referred to as The Jefferson Incident. It was still there, burning inside his gut every time he did as much as simply glance at John. It just happened that the aching to be with the South Carolinian in any way or form was even stronger. Even if that way or form was apparently innocent friendship.

Weirdly enough in Alexander's opinion, things didn't exactly settle down in the place they once were. Sure, they talked and bantered and watched Mean Girls on Wednesdays just like before. But now there was a tension, a hesitance from both parts that kept them from doing as much as leaning against each other. It was so thick it could be only cut, not by a knife, but a chainsaw.

In short, there was no fucking going on.

And that was perfectly fine. Alexander had no issue with being John's friend who pinned after him rather than John's friend with benefits who pinned after him. Though he had to admit, it was easier to forget at moments how truly unrequited his feelings were when touching was involved in the mix. And now, there was none. He had John's company back and that was worth more than he'd care to admit, but Alexander also missed his touch.

They used to be fuck buddies, and now they're just friends.

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Alexander also came to notice slight changes in John's behavior. He had come to consider himself somewhat of an expert during this time, but the subject himself had proven him wrong by acting in ways Alexander couldn't interpret. He seemed more hesitant to make eye contact, laughed more awkwardly and/or loudly than he had to, and even stayed at the dorm instead of whatever bar is it that he frequented some Fridays.

This was one of those Fridays.

And, as friends do, (because that's what they are. Friends. And that's more than fine) Alexander found what he considered a hilarious way to taunt John. Tonight, instead of watching whatever cliche high school drama John pulled out of the hellish depths of his DVDs, they would watch Maria La Del Barrio. Also known as One of Those Telenovelas.


To increase the confusion, Alexander skipped all the way to That episode, knowing damn well John wouldn't understand what was going on due to both language barriers and lack of context. He almost wanted to pat himself on the back.

"Alex, what the hell is going on? Is that Maria?"

"No, that's Soraya."


"Oh my god, John, just watch, you're gonna miss the maldita lisiada scene,"

"The what? I don't— oh. Oh."

He chocked on his popcorn at the sight of John's face. "Yep," He mumbled.

"This is like, not okay,"

Alexander laughed and, carefully, leaned on John's side. He didn't seem to notice and Alexander internally sighed with relief. He wanted to touch John. Needed it, even. Even if John didn't feel the same. I mean, male friends cuddle, right? Alexander wouldn't know, throughout the majority of his life he either had female friends or no friends, which would technically make John his first male friend. Anyway, Alexander was sure John wouldn't notice anything. He never did.

Before he knew it, the South Carolinian was wrapping an arm around his waist and bringing him closer. His breath hitched.

This was what friends did, right?

Right. And that was completely alright.

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