Who Tells Your Story

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Next morning Alexander woke up with his head on John's naked chest and pain in both his head and his ass. 'This is what happens when you go out on Tuesdays' He thought. Alexander groaned and closed his eyes strongly, wrapping his tiny arms around John's torso. He could smell alcohol and a little of John's cologne when he breathed. He relaxed there a few minutes, trying to calm down the headache. After a while, just when he was about to stand up he felt a lingering kiss on his hair and John's strong arms tightening around him.

"G'morning Babygirl"

"Morning babe"



"I guess you were right all along"

Alexander smiled and kissed his chest, remembering that first morning they woke up together. Definitely not the same experience. "Told you so, gay ass"

They layed there for a little longer before they stood up. Alex watched Laurens trying to serve cereal without making a mess while he made coffee for the two of them.

They ate on the small couch watching Sorority Wars and then cuddled to each other. John was either making bad jokes or fangirling and Alexander criticized the plot as always.

"Can we watch something else?"


"Uhg, this is so long"

"That's what she said"


Around noon Alexander stood, making John whine at the lost of warm and comfort.

"What are you doin'?" He asked to the boy scrolling through his phone.

"We" He said. "Are going to dance salsa" Alexander commanded as he put "Salsa Mix 2013" on YouTube.

"What? Nah"

"Mmm" He nodded as he took John's hands and pushed him off the couch.

"I don't know how to dance this, Lex"

"Lucky for you, I'm here to teach you" He said with a smirk, his hands still on John's.

"Ok, the first thing you have to do is.."

He began to explain the basics of Salsa dancing to John and about an hour later, with a lot of falls and kisses on the way, John already kinda knew what to do.

"I wanna do this forever" Alex said absent minded.

"What? Dancing?"

"I mean, no. Well, yes, dancing is great but..I mean us, I never want to let go of this..I love you"

"And I love you" John said as he wrapped his arms protectively around Alex's small frame. "I promise you, this isn't gonna end any time soon.

"God, I hope so because I would go insane without you right now"

It was the perfect Wednesday.


John and Alexander Hamilton sat on their couch cuddling while watching Mean Girls like they did every fourteen of October since the day they got married. They sighed at the peaceful setting when two voices intruded in the living room.

"Dadda! Papa!" Called the six year old boy named Phillip from his sister's arms.

"How did you guys fell in love??" Asked Frances.

A few years ago they found out that John had accidentally got a girl called Martha Mannings pregnant. He had slept with her before he had even met Alexander and didn't knew about the baby until she was seven years old. Martha had died so John took custody of the little girl, he and Alex adopted little Phillip not long after that. 

"We already told you, we met in College" Alexander responded.

"No, that's where you met, not how you fell in love" She complained.

"That's, um, a story for another time sweetheart" John nervously answered.

"For when you're older" His husband helped.

Frances groaned. "You always tell me and Phillip that, when will we be old enough??"

"Some day sweetheart" Alexander said melancholically. "Some day"

"I'm just gonna ask aunt Peggy, I'm sure she'll tell me" The freckled girl muttered as she exited the room with Phillip in her arms.




"Wait, did she just–"


"Should we stop her?"

"Let her know, she's already a big girl"

"She's thirteen Alex!"

"And also as stubborn as you" He laughed.

"Thirteen, Alex!"

"Gosh you're such an overprotective dad"

"I'm not"

"Yes you are" He teased.

"Fuck off" John whined.

Alexander responded with a peck on his lips."You know you love me"

"Yeah, I do. I love you"

"And I love you John"

He sighed. "I guess we have no control who tells our story"


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