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It was a quiet night when Alexander found himself laying on John's bed, regretting his life decisions as usual. He was thinking about the times his chest felt fuzzy around John, how his skin would inevitably turn red and how he sometimes had the weird urge to kiss John and weird stuff like that. Because why would he want to kiss John? Weird.
He also was daydreaming. Sort of. Well yes, but that's embarrassing. His mind would project pictures in which John would bring him flowers and give him innocent goodbye kisses each morning. In which they would hold hands in public or where the South Carolinian would whisper love declarations in his ear as they made love.

"Gross" Alexander said out loud.

Not only were the fantasies disgustingly cute (Alexander's a romantic, sue him), but that's all they were, fantasies. Things that would never come true, and the closest thing he would have to that are the times when John would kiss his face and cuddle with him after sex like in the previous night, because John is a sap. And nothing else.
He wanted to sleep and forget about the feelings that were becoming harder to deny each day, but then again he also wanted to sniff John's pillow for a little bit longer. If no one is seeing you do it it's not creepy, right?

He closed his eyes and hugged the pillow closer to his face, John smelled like expensive cologne and wet grass and it was delicious. Unfortunately, just then, he received a text.

Peggy The Great: im coming over

Peggy The Great: my sists are coming 2

"Oh fuck" He cursed.

Faster than he thought it was possible he threw himself out of the bed and took of John's shirt, hid it behind the desk, and put on his own shirt. Just as he was grabbing some sweatpants from the floor there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" He yelled.

"Sup Alex! How are you— oh woah. Are you okay?" Peggy asked. Behind her, Angelica waved.

He shrugged. "I'm okay, where's Eliza?"

"She'll come when she gets out of her psychology class in a few minutes" The oldest sister answered. "Now, do you have allergies? Head ache? Stomach ache!? Oh lord, is it diarrhea?"

"What? No, I don't have diarrhea"

"He's lovesick" Peggy quickly identified. Angelica raised her eyebrows.

"Oh shit.." She said.

"What? I'm not lovesick!" The Nevisian complained as he threw himself to John's bed. By pure coincidence, of course.

Peggy looked at Angelica, who nodded.

"Let's tell Eliza to rush her ass over here" They agreed. But just as they said that, the door slammed open.

"I'M HERE, AND I SENSE BAD VIBES" Eliza screeched.

"Fuck me" Alexander whined as he buried his face in John's pillow.

"Forget it, she's here" Angelica usefully pointed out.

The Asian girl looked around the room. "What's going on here? I can literally smell the angst"

"See for yourself." Angelica said, pointing at Alexander just as Peggy said "He's lovesick"

"Oh shit." She approached the boy sprawled on the bed. "How're you feeling, Alex?"

"Benefits" [Under Editing] Where stories live. Discover now