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John hugged him from behind and hid his head on the crock of his neck. "Don't even think about it, you ain't going anywhere, babe"

"I have class, Laurens" Alexander mumbled sleepily.

"But you're so damn warm" The South Carolinian whined.

"Too bad" He said, finally detaching himself from Laurens. "You can find some random girl to give you warmth, I'm sure most of them will be willing to"

He stood up with a frown on his face and scanned the dorm room for his clothes, they had to be here somewhere. Then, he felt something soft on his lower back, John's lips pressed gently against his skin.

"No one is quite as hot as you, though" He said, his lips still clinging to his back. Alexander could feel is hot breath agains his flesh and inevitably shivered.

"Too bad" He repeated, barely being able to choke the words out of his throat. "Idiot"


It was Friday and Alexander knew that when he came back to the dorm, I'd be past six and John wouldn't be there anymore. He had learnt that after a few weeks living with the male. A part of him felt relieved, around John he always felt either nervous or tuned on, a lot of times both. It was good to have a break from that. At the same time, he still longed for John's strong arms around him and, his lips pressed against his neck and.. well, other stuff.

He ignored that part of his brain, though, and decided that it was a good thing that he got some alone time. Maybe he was going to read a book, or see an old romantic comedy, or re-evaluate his horrible life choices. There were so many options.
His Alex-Time didn't last much, though, because of course it didn't. Just a few minutes after he decided to put Forgetting Sarah Marshall his mind decided to drift toward John Laurens, and on top of that, two girls bursted into the room: Kitty Livingston and Peggy Schuyler.

"Sup, French Fry!!" Peggy shrieked as she entered the room, screaming the horrific nickname he had earned himself in eleventh grade. He had met her and her sisters after he roasted a bully in the middle of the hall. He had been so "salty" that they nicknamed him French Fry. Kitty waved from besides her.

"Hi Peggy, hi Kitty"

"How're you doing, Neon Stick?" Kitty asked, mentioning another terrible nickname. He knew the girl from a partner project in English class on freshman year of college. They had been inseparable ever since then. That nickname had been earned but the bright colors he wore on a daily basis, Kitty claimed that his wardrobe "burned her eyes". She was just being dramatic. Hopefully.

"Fine" Alexander answered simply, not mentioning the fact that he was having a low-key existential crisis.

They both raised their brows. "Lying bitch" Peggy said.

"Really, what's up?"

"The sky?" That answer gained him a pair of terrifying glares. "Okay, sorry. Look, it's nothing, I've just been a little stressed out about my new roomie"

"Oh, c'mon. It can't be that bad" Kitty scoffed.

He raised a brow skeptically.

Peggy rolled her eyes "Who is it?"

"John Fuckboy Laurens"

"You're shitting me" The brown girl gasped.

"I shit you not"

"Holy shit"

"Yeah" The Nevisian mumbled halfheartedly.

"Wait, is he here now!?" His friend whispered aggressively, her pale cheeks turning red from possible embarrassment.

"Nah, he is at some bar outside campus getting laid or something" Alex said as carelessly as possible, even if a tiny part of his heart had just been pinched.

"I should've guessed"

"Poor you Alex, have you caught him in the act?" Peggy laughed at him.

"Don't laugh at my disgrace!" He whined. "I actually have, unfortunately" He admitted. It had been horrifying.

"Eww" Kitty shrieked.

"It he big, though?"


"What? This is important information, guys!"

Soon Alex was also laughing with his friends. They were weird and each very different but they were great. So great, in fact, that John Laurens barely crossed his mind for the next few hours.

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