Sleepy Jealousy

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"You know, John Laurens isn't that bad" Peggy said. "He didn't even try to flirt with me! Well, at least after I told him to piss off. He isn't pushy, that's good"

'Of course he's not that bad, he is the most wonderful creature in the world but that doesn't erase the fact that he's still an idiot' Alexander thought to himself.

"Why did you even start hanging out with him?" Alexander questioned his friend, to which Kitty agreed.

"You were just saying how much you hated him literally a week ago" She said.

"Well, I guess I shouldn't have judged him without knowing him first. But what's your deal with him?" She pointed at him.

'My deal with him is that he never leaves my thoughts and that's really annoying' He keep thinking. Externally, he shrugged.

"I don't know, I just don't like him" He lamely said.

'True, that's because I love him... ew, "Love", gross'

"Can we just do something else than talk about John? It's Friday, night let's watch something!" He smoothly changed the theme.

"Sure, wanna watch 'Rebelde'?" Peggy suggested.

"YES!" Alexander screeched just as Kitty said "Don't forget the subtitles the time!"

After watching almost the entire first season, Peggy and Kitty had to leave to do that thing called sleep. Alexander had no problem with that, but he kept watching the series by himself. He was in the middle of singing the opening song when, around 3:00 a.m, John Laurens stumbled into the room. And John had seen some weird shit in his life, but nothing like the Alexander Hamilton dancing on top of his bed, his hair a mess, singing in Spanish.

"..Cierro mis ojos y ya estoy pensando en ti, y soy REBELDE! Cuando no sigo a–"

He chuckled softly, Alexander looked adorable. "What are you doing?" He asked, surprising Alexander and making him stumble and almost fall to the floor and possibly die.

"Uh, I'm watching 'Rebelde'..?" He shyly admitted.


He waved his hand dismissively. "Some weird Mexican T.V show from 2004 about hormonal teenagers that like to sing" He explained.

"Oh" John nodded, walking toward Alexander, who was still standing on the bed.

"What are you doing?" The shorter boy asked when John put his arms around his waist.

"Nothing, you just look really cute dancing like that" Laurens smiled and bit his lip, this night wasn't going to be so bad after all.


"Mornin' Babygirl" Alexander woke up the next morning with a kiss on his neck and those words breathed into his skin.

Alexander hummed. "Hey"

"I had fun last night" He said, pressing light kisses on his shoulders as he spoke. Alexander huffed a bit, it tickled.

"Yah, me too. Did you hang out with Peggy?" John stopped for a moment.

"How did you know?" Alexander turned around and tucked his head underneath John's head. Warm. He was too sleepy to even analyze what he was doing.

"She told me, I'm guessing you stayed in the bar afterwards?" John nodded on his hair.

"Yeah" John frowned, one of the rules Alexander had established was to not talking about John's "misadventures" with girls, and yet he was asking himself. Laurens guessed it was just the drowsiness, but it was still strange.

"So, who's the unlucky girl of the week?" Alexander asked, and John could swear he heard bitterness on his voice.

"No one" He confessed. The girl he had been trying to woo got herself way too drunk, and Laurens did not do drunk girls.

Alexander nodded. "Let me get something straight, Johnny  Boy. Peggy is like a sister to me and I swear if you lay a single finger on her, I'm gonna become your worst fucking nightmare. Do I make myself clear?" He mumbled on his neck. It was supposed to be a treat but he just looked so cute John couldn't help to kiss his hair.

"Like water. You don't have anything to worry about, Hammie, Peggy is gay"

"I mean.. yeah what am I saying? Just– please don't hurt her"

"I won't, and either way.." John grabbed Alexander's butt and squeezed a bit. That definitely woke Alex up. "The only person I want is you" He breathed in Alex's ear before biting it lightly and pulling it. "I'm gonna go make coffee, 'kay?" Alexander nodded, and John left.

"S–Stop doing this to my feelings" Alexander said under his breath once John was gone. "It really hurts..."

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