Ground Rules

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A/N: This chapter wasn't in the original book but I was editing and it just.. came to me. It's kinda shitty tho, sorry 'bout that.


Alexander dragged his feet toward his dorm as tiredness clang to his clothes with a stubborn grip, he yawned. His last class had drained the life out of him and the only coherent thought his brain could formulate was "bed". He fiddled with the door lock for a minute before finally entering his dorm. He scanned the room tiredly, pondering whenever it would be better to walk to his bed or drop to the floor and sleep right there. Instead, he ended up with another question.

"What the hell are you doing, Laurens?"

"Tonight I'm yours, I'm your dead girl walki— oH, OH. Uh, hey Alexander" The South Carolinian stoped mid-song and turned toward his roommate. "You okay? You seem half-dead"

"Is that fucking Heathers?" Alexander asked, suddenly feeling irritated out of his mind and returning (a tiny bit of) his energy. He had heard the songs enough times to perform the whole musical by himself because of one of Peggy's sisters. And he hated that musical.


"Is that fucking Dead Girl Walking!?"

The male shrugged. "I love the song, is one of my guilty pleasures"

"Everything you do is a guilty pleasure" He mumbled, not even sure if what he had said made sense.

Laurens walked toward him with dark eyes and smirked. "Yeah, and you're my favorite one" He whispered in his ear, his voice sounding like silk or honey if they had a sound. In one fluid motion John wrapped his arms around Alexander's slim waist and started swaying.

"That are you doing, Laurens?" Hamilton moaned in confusion.

"You seem tense"

"Your point?"

Laurens kissed his ear. "I'm helping you relax" The boy on his arms shuddered and he smiled, pleased with himself.

"You're a tease"

He shrugged again. "And you know, you know, you know.. It's cause you're beautiful" John sang softly on his ear. "You say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair–"

"Keep it locked out there" Alex completed reluctantly, making John's smile grow.

"In here it's beautiful"

He chuckled, more from embarrassment than joy. "Let's make this beautiful"


Laurens🖕: Could you bring coffee when you come back? Plz
Laurens 🖕: I promise to pay you back
Laurens 🖕: If you know what I mean ❤️🔥💦

Babygirl 💚: Are you bribing me with sex, Laurens?
Babigirl💚: That's low even for you.

Laurens🖕: <333

Babygirl💚: Fine, but I don't need you to "pay" me.

Laurens🖕: Still will tho
Laurens: Youre just too pretty to not take care of

Babygirl💚: Fucking pervert.

Laurens🖕: You know you love it <3


"F–Fuck, John" He gasped.

"I got you, babygirl"

Alexander snorted. "That's so corny"

John stuck his tongue out. "You're ruining the moment, doll" He emphasized by thrusting into Alexander once more.

"Oh shit" He moaned. "You're so.."

"So what?" John smirked.

And then someone knocked at the door.

"Johnny?" A girl asked with a soft nervous voice.

Alexander glared at John. "What the fuck" He hissed.

"How was I supposed to know she was going to be here!? I never even told her my dorm number!" John hissed back.

"Johnny, I know you're there, I can smell your stinky ass cologne from here"

John gasped at the comment. "That little bitc—"

"John! What are we gonna do!?"

"I, uh.."

"I'm gonna come in in five.."

"Pretend that you're a girl" John told him.



"Trust me"

"I'm not—"


John thrusted into him, and barely had the chance to change his voice mid-moan. "John" He moaned on a ridiculous high pitched voice. It was humiliating, but at least the counting stopped.


"Oh, Heavenly Father, John, you're so big" He continued, grimacing at his own words.

"Sorry, uh, Mitchel. I'm a little busy right now!"

The girl stayed quiet for a few seconds. "Fine, but we still have to speak later. And my name is Michelle!!"

They heard footsteps getting dimmer as she left, and when they were sure their voices wouldn't reach her, Alexander glared at John.

"We gotta place some ground rules"


"Remember everything?"

"Yes, no bringing girls to the dorm when you're here or on your way from class, not sleeping with girls in your bed, and no talking to you about the girls"

Alexander smiled with satisfaction. "Seems fine"

"What's your rule?"

"No telling anyone about our relationship" He said with an eye roll and quotation marks around the word relationship.

John smiled and pressed his lips against Alexander's, hot flesh colliding with trembling one. "Seems like we have a nice deal. Now.." His hands trailed lower until they held a possessive grip in Alexander's hips. "Want to continue where we left off?"

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