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"So, John, what do you like? As if, hobbies and shit," Peggy asked.

"Well, I used to play lacrosse in high school," John said. Peggy nodded, faking interest in the conversation. The plan was to get some information out of John about Alexander's crush, they lived together after all but she was yet to get anything out of John. The guy was simply so boring. Mostly because he kept most things to himself, so there wasn't any interesting gossip she could indulge in. She was tempted to abandon the mission and find of the identity of Alexander's crush in some other way.

And then John's phone rang.


"Peggy that's crazy, a lot of people listen to Heathers," Kitty rolled her eyes. That damn unbeliever.

"You don't get it!" The Schuyler screeched. "It all fits, it's so obvious when you think about it! I mean, Alexander started acting weird since around the time he moved in with John, both John and mystery crush like Heathers," Kitty opens her mouth to interrupt her, Peggy beat her to it. "Plus, he refuses to say who the crush was when's he's always been so open about his romances with us and always seems almost embarrassed when talking about John," She concluded. "It all fits! Alexander Hamilton is in love with John fucking Laurens,"

"Peggy, that all seems like a bunch of coincidences," Kitty said, Peggy screeched some more.

"You know what!? Why don't we ask Alexander himself?" The Schuyler took her phone out, determined to prove a point. Filled with determination she tapped Alexander's contact name, "Salt Daddy", and made a face toward Kitty.

The phone rang for longer than usual, which the girls found slightly strange. Alexander was the type of person to answer immediately, if he did answer that is. During his work sprees his phone would be shut down, so no ringing would occur in that case either way. When they thought they were about to be sent to voicemail their friend finally answered. They put him on speaker.

"He–Hey Peggy! What's u-up?" He said, sounding rather breathless.

"Hey Alex, Kitty and I have a question over here for you,"

"Uh, sure. Wha– Stop it, idiot– what is it?" The girls looked at each other with raised brows. Kitty signaled Peggy to ask.

"Are you alr—" Alexander gasped. "Alex are you okay!?"

"Yes yes ye–Don't worry I just, um, I stepped on a Lego,"

There was a big, awkward, pause.

"A Lego," She repeated. "You stepped on a Lego?"

"Yup," He shrieked.

"Since when do you even have Legos!?"

"They are fun..?" Someone was heard in the background, but it was impossible to determine who. "Shut up!–" The boy hissed. "Um a-as I was saying, I'm– hush!– I'm pl-playing with Legos, so, yeah, what were you gonna ask?"

"You, know, we—"

A moan.

A loud, lewd moan was heard on the phone. Peggy hung up immediately and slammed her phone against the table.

Kitty stared at her. "What the hell..?"

Peggy raised her brows with a smirk.

"That still proves absolutely nothing, he could've been having sex with anyone," The blonde argued.

"Wanna go check it out?" Kitty groaned. "See it for ourselves?"

"Absolutely no!"


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