The Club

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"Hey Beautiful" Called John, sprawled on the bed.


"It's been like a month or so since I went to a club" Alexander felt himself tense at this, what was he saying?. "Wanna come with me?"

He sighed with relief and nodded. "Sure, I just need to write something down quickly"


Apparently this was the place John used to go to get drunk and a pretty girl to sleep with every Friday night. Alexander right now didn't knew if he should feel good or not at the fact that John was with him this time, not some girl.

But he sure was.

"C'mon Babygirl, the dance floor is callings us!" John called enthusiastically.

"Ok ok, let's go papi!" Alex responded with the same enthusiasm. This was the first time he went to a Club and he was hella exited to show his best dance moves on the dance floor.

But then he heard the music, saw the people dancing, and got confused.



"Is this what the gringos call dancing..?"

"What do you mean?" The freckled boy asked.

"Have you ever danced Salsa?"





"What the hell is even that?"

He sighed in defeat. "One day I'll bring to to a Club with real dance music"

"Yeah, yeah, can we just stay here in the meantime?"


At first Alex felt really lost, he didn't exactly knew what to do and just stood awkwardly besides John. But a few songs later and some alcohol shots he was getting the hang of it and most likely forgot he was even in public.

John loved to see Alexander dancing like that, so freely and carefree, just like when the opening of a Telenovela started and he stood on the bed jumping and spinning around. The way he sweats and his cheeks blush, it just makes him want him more.

"Hey papi!" He screamed, trying to be heard over the loud music. "I'm going to the bathroom, probably gonna throw up, be right back!"

"You sure you don't need help?"

"Nah, Im fineee~" He slurred as he stumbled away.

John sighed and smiled, looking at his beautiful boy. He truly was the only thing he wanted.
He felt a tap on his shoulders and when he turned around he found himself face to face with a girl he remembered as Elizabeth Sanders.

"Heyyy, Jack Laurens right?" She slurred.

"Uh, John Laurens actually"

"Yeah, still sexy" Oh crap. He thought. "Want to dance? Maybe I can invite you to a few shots and then, y'know, see what happens"

"Uh, look, Elizabeth, I–"

"That's so formal, why not call me babe instead?"

Meanwhile on the other side of the club Alexander stumbled out of the bathroom, a little more sober this time. He started looking for John when he heard someone talk to him.

"Hey darling, did you seat on candy? Because that's one sweet ass you have there"

"Oh god no" He muttered.

"Do you like math? Because I would like to subtract your clothes and divide your legs"

Nuh-uh, oh hell no. "Yo no hablo inglés" He said his best trick and ran away before the guy could even respond, Clubs were scary.

When he finally found John between the sweating bodies of the Club he was accompanied by a girl who was awfully close to him and also seemed awfully drunk.

Nope, not happening.

"HEY YOU!" He called a few feet away. "BACK OFF 'CAUSE THA' BOY IS MINE!"

John looked at him with a relieved look on his face while the girl besides him shot him a dirty look.

"Who do ya' think ya're?"

"I'm his boyfriend" He said firmly. "Meaning I'm the only one who gets to kiss him and touch his dick whenever I want" Yes! He had finally said it!
The girl simply glared at him and walked away with an amused look on his face.

"My hero" Joked John.

"Shut up and just kiss me already"


The next day, it seemed like everyone officially knew that John is a flaming homosexual. Some people said good things, some people said bad things, some people said...weird..things..but everyone's eyes were definitely on them.

"I always suspected Laurens was gay" Said a girl named Dolley.

"What? How?" John asked confused.

"I started suspecting since that one time you called me "Alexander" on bed" She smirked.

"..I did not.." He said in disbelief, Alex, on the other side, was laughing hysterically.

"You called my name while having sex with someone else, and we weren't even dating!?" He laughed.

"Shut up" He muttered flustered.

"I guess you just can't get enough of my sweet ass" Alex teased.


That day was hell for John


A/N: One more chapter left guys!!

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