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The next day John walked proudly down the halls with his purple painted nails and tight black leggings to his boyfriend's classroom, and damn did it feel good. For once in his life he wasn't lying to the world about who he was. He didn't have to dress "manly" or act like a jock or flirt with every girl he saw because now he had a boyfriend and having him was more than enough.

People were giving him the weirdest looks as he walked but he didn't care, he looked fucking amazing and anyone who didn't like it could suck his dick. He loved his appearance and his Alexander supported him so why does the rest of the world mattered. And it wasn't like he looked like a clown, the Schuylers said he looked stunning and we all know their judgement on clothing is never wrong.

He looked at his nails, beautifully painted by his boyfriend and smiled, he had never felt so free in his life. John was out of that damn closet and wasn't planning on going back. Everything felt so bright right now, he could fly.

And then he heard Jefferson's annoying voice.

"Hey Laurens!" He called behind him. "What's with the clothes? I thought this school had a no fags allowed rule!"

"Well they seem to have an open door policy for assholes though, don't they?" 'Nice comeback Laurens' He congratulated himself.

Jefferson scoffed at his comment but ignored it and keep talking shit. "So did you got bored of girls and decided to suck dicks instead? What would your boyfriend think if he knew the indecisive bitch you are?"

"My boyfriend is very aware of how much of a bitch I am thank you very much" Jefferson seemed to taken aback, he obviously wasn't expecting Laurens to actually have a boyfriend.

"I wonder what fag could be miserable enough to date you" He spat. Just as he said that he heard fast footsteps and felt someone aggressively hug him from behind.

"Greetings and salutations babe! What's up?" Alexander cheerfully said and gave John a chaste kiss on his neck.

"Hi babydoll, I'm just kinda dealing with this bi–"

"You got to be fucking kidding me" Jefferson said, shocked expression all over his face.


"Hamilton" He looked at him with disgust. "I knew you were weird but I never thought you were also a fucking fag. Pathetic. You surely love sucking everyone's dick" He mocked.

"Well yes I do love sucking my boyfriend's dick thank you very much, but you would know since we are all very aware that you blow Madison on Martha's back don't you?"

"What!? That's a fucking lie!" He screamed angrily at them, but it didn't matter since Alexander had already took John's hand on his and walked toward their dorm ignoring Jefferson's screams.

"Is Jefferson really cheating on Martha Wayles with Madison?" He asked.

"I have no freaking idea"


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