The Three Schuylers

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"Hey John"

"Yes babe?"

"We need to talk"

John looked up from his phone with a frightened expression. "Oh my gosh are you pregnant!?"

"What!? No!"

"Thank god" John sighed with relief.

"It's just that The Schuylers want me to come over to their dorm 'cause apparently I've been neglecting them because of school?"


"And I think you should come too, y'know, we should tell them about us"

Because now for Alexander and Laurens there was an 'us' and neither of then could ever feel more satisfied knowing that is wasn't "Alex" and "John" anymore, but "Alex and John".

"And why is that something bad?" He asked skeptically.

"Because, John, presenting you to the Schuylers as my boyfriend is like if I asked you to meet my non-existent parents"

"......Do I really have to–"


"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw"


They stood in front of the sisters' dorm and both took a deep breath. Alex looked at John took his hand, squeezing it comfortingly.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Not in a million years"

"Good enough"

He knocked at the door and automatically heard a scream from the inside of the room.



He chuckled to himself and opened the door, finding a huge mess inside of it. Pillows, clothes, makeup, and even food were scattered on the floor and most of the surfaces. The walls were tinted with red liquid (Lets hope its just tomato sauce). It basically looked like a damn battle field in here.

"What the fuck"

"Welcome to the Schuylers Dorm baby, probably the most dangerous place in campus"

"Is it too late now to retreat?"


"Hey! Good to see you could make it!" Eliza said as she got out of the bathroom, engulfing Alexander on a quick hug and somehow not acknowledging John's presence. 

"Hi 'Liza, good to see you too. Um, can you get the other sisters? I kinda need to tell you guys something"


Getting The Three Schuylers to sit still on one couch without killing each other wasn't an easy job, but not impossible. So half an hour later Alexander was ready to tell the "big news" to his best (and only) friends. 

"What's that bitch doing here?" Angelica asked, looking at John with a threatening look.

"Nice to see you too Schuyler" He answered sarcastically.

"Shut up Angie, I think Alex has something to say, am I right?" Peggy said with a knowing expression on her face.

"Y–Yes! I, um, sisters. I–" He took a deep breath and Laurens' hand in his. "John Laurens and I are dating"

Everything stayed silent for a few seconds, then Peggy stood up and left the room.

"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" She screamed from outside.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh.." Eliza seemed to still be processing the news.

"How the fuck did this happened...?" Angelica asked incredulously.

"Um yeah, uh, remember my gross and depressing crush? Well that was John Laurens, um, yeah.."

"Awww babe you had a crush on me, that's embarrassing"

"John, we are dating"


"Fuck you"


"YOU HAD A CRUSH ON JOHN LAURENS!?" Eliza suddenly reacted.

"Um, yes.."

"God you have SO MUCH explaining to do!"

This was going to be a long day.

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