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(Dare: every time I wrote "Wednesday" take a shot)

(Don't actually do it, I don't want you to get drunk plz)

Alexander walked around the dorm like a zombie, partially because of the lack of coffee, partially because of soreness in his lower back John had caused last night. He remembered John saying how cute he looked when dancing those 'weird songs from that Mexican thingy' (''It's called telenovela, asshole'') and well, you can guess what happened afterwards. Not that he was complaining, of course he wasn't. But he still felt so stupid, especially because of whatever had gotten into him when they were still in bed. He couldn't believe he actually showed John how jealous he felt, luckily the South Carolinian would remain oblivious of his feelings. Luckily.

Still fighting to keep his eyes open he tied his hair into a ponytail, making sure that the piercings on his ear were noticeable. He didn't have any classes today and Alexander wanted to do something; anything. Though he couldn't shake the feeling that he was forgetting something, a cup of coffee would definitely solve that. He was too sleepy (aka lazy) to do it for himself, so he walked toward the door and went to the coffee shop nearby. Or at least he attempted to when John's voice intruded.

"Where you think you're goin' babygirl?" He asked from his bed, Alexander pretended he didn't feel his eyes traveling across his figure.

"What do you mean, asshat?" He asked. Was he forgetting something that important? It was a fact that he wasn't going to remember anytime soon if John kept staring at him like that though.

"It's Wednesday,"

And that little phrase made Alexander remember: Fuck, it's actually Wednesday.

You see, over the course of the last few months, John had invented a weird little tradition in which they would expend all Wednesdays together. Sometimes they would fuck. Sometimes they would cuddle and drink lots of coffee. Most times they watched Mean Girls. John even wore a pink headband because "on Wednesday's we wear pink" or some shit. And it wasn't that Alexander hated Wednesdays, he actually loved them. But he also hated them.

Logic, right?

"Fine," He sighed. "But you're making me coffee."

John winked. "My pleasure, honeybun,"

"He's lucky he can make good coffee," Me mumbled to himself. As John passed behind him he softly slapped his butt. Consequently Alexander smacked him in the head.

Wednesdays weren't the worst.


The thing about Wednesdays, and probably the reason Alexander hated them (though not really) so much it's because, with John's head leaning in his shoulder while he mumbled the entire movie script under his breath, his hand tightly around his waist, the shared popcorn, the intimacy of everything, would cause Alexander's naive mind to start formulating this dumb fantasies in which they were dating. In which Wednesdays were date nights and he wasn't John's personal stress reliever.

He would kiss John's curls, just like he was doing now, and he could feel John's skin getting warmer. Blushing. He loved it. Lies had never been so sweet before John.

He didn't get how John found him so attractive these days. In his words: "If you looked every day like you do on Wednesdays I'd die a happy, horny man" to which Alexander had responded "you're sick" in a playful manner. Man, that was a nice, long night.

But he still didn't get it, on Wednesdays Alexander would let his savage hair run wild because what was even the point. He'd uncover his lanky legs and would walk around on his boxers and an old shirt he was sure was John's but wasn't planning on giving back. And yet John liked that. Alexander knew John was a weirdo. I mean he was fucking the Nevisian on a regular basis of course he was a weirdo. But this he really couldn't comprehend.

As he leaned on the wall next to the kitchenette and watched John trying to serve his chocolate cereal without making a mess, he thought

Maybe this could be mine.

But he was so naive.

Maybe, In another life.

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