Say It Again

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He sighed.

He pushed John off him and sat down in the couch. So this was it? All the efforts he has made to stay close to John will probably be ruined because of his stupid feelings. Maybe it's better to just get over with this already. The faster John breaks his heart the less it should hurt, right?

"John, I.." He took a deep breath 'C'mon, you can do this. You're not some high school girl pull yourself together'

"I know that everything was just sex, ok? Just two guys fucking, no attachments or feelings involved, just fucking. I knew that, and still I...I was stupid enough to fall in love with you. There, I said it. I love you! And I don't know how it happened! Maybe it's because of your stupid perfect smile or the way you cry and fangirl over Heathers. Or just because you are you and that's it. There are no explanations or excuses it just...happened....And I understand if you want to get rid of me, because this wasn't suppose to happen. I understand if it makes you uncomfortable living with me, we can just change dorms like at the beginning of the year, ok! Just...Please.....Don't forget me even if you hate me because–


"I'm stupid I know it but these months were really special for me and–"


"I know you don't love me but still, just say you'll remember me and I'll be gone from your life, never to be seen again just–"

Seeing as Alex wasn't responding, John took his face and smashed their lips in a rough kiss. It wasn't like all their previous kisses. It wasn't lustful or hot. It was desperate, needy, really messy. He just wanted Alex to shut up and let him know that he likes him. Hell not even that, he's enamored by everything about him.

They pulled away to breathe and Alexander looked at John with big wide eyes that were shining with the brightness of a thousand stars. He was panting and his soft pink lips were bruised by the kiss, his cheeks as red as two apples, and John suddenly felt like he only needed Alex to live.

"W-What was th–that?" He asked shakily.

"It's a kiss, it means that I fucking love you you idiot"


John chuckled and kissed him again, this time taking his time, memorizing well the taste of Alex's lips after like two weeks of not touching them. Those weeks were the true torture and now he felt like he had been rescued by angels and Alex's mouth is his heaven.

He started trailing kisses and nips and sucks down on Alex jaw, his neck, and his collarbone. The shorter boy starting gasping little moans and John knew this is all he needed.

"Pl–Please say it again, I need to hear it La–Laurens please, tell me that you love me, please" He panted.

"I Love you" He murmured in his neck, pressing kisses on it with every word "I Love you, I love you, I love you. Oh my Babygirl, I love you so much"

"John" The shorter boy whimpered. "I Love you too, I love you more than anything please John" He moaned. "God, I love you. Just keep kissing me, please, just—" He said, demanding but yet so sweet, and John couldn't help but comply.

He picked up his love bridal style and put him ever so gently on his bed, John's bed, their bed.

He kissed him one more time and took the boys shirt off, followed by his own.

"What do you want Babygirl?" He whispered, gazing at him in a loving and caring way.

"Make love to me"

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