Words Words Words

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A/N: Might as well finally get back to editing—


"You're absolutely going to love her, Peggy insisted as Alexander trailed behind her. "Not like literally, but she's totally wife material if you know what I mean,"

From what Alexander had gathered while he was being dragged out of his dorm by Kitty and Peggy, the girls had adopted a new friend they literally couldn't wait to introduce him to. That was alright, it's not like his plans consisted of anything other than schoolwork and wallowing over his stupid feelings over a stupid South Carolinian.

This time it was Kitty who took the initiative of knocking the door. Then she turned back toward Alexander and gave him a thumbs up, as if he needed so much encouragement to participate in social interactions.

The door creaked open, and after hearing so much about Maria Lewis he wasn't expecting her to be in such conditions.

Her brown curls were trapped in a terribly messy bun, the makeup on her face was slightly smeared, and her eye bags began to reassemble Alexander's after finals. Not to mention her twitching eye and tapping foot which made her look almost ready to commit homicide. The girl definitely needed a good night's rest.

"Hey Pegs," She croaked.

"Hey, Mar. You okay...?" Peggy asked hesitantly. Maria shrugged.

"Could be better. Look, I don't think we'll be able to hang out today, I have a situation,"

Kitty raised a single brow like the talented asshole she is. "Situation?"

As if on cue, a cry came from inside the dorm and Maria's twitching intensified.

"My roommate, her boy ended things with her," Maria explained.

Peggy waved her hand dismissively. "I'm sure all she needs is some company from the best people ever,"

Maria shrugged and stepped back. "If you're so sure," Then her eyes moved toward Alexander. "Are you gonna introduce me to your friend?"

"Oh, right. I forgot I wasn't actually invisible."

Peggy wrapped her arm around his waist. "This is Alexander, the asshole I was telling you about,"

"I feel so loved and flattered," Alexander says in a flat tone just to bother her.

Peggy pushes him jokingly and walks in. "C'mon, let's cheer a gal up,"

They all trailed behind Peggy only to be met with a hurricane of pillows, tissues, and ice cream tubs. In the middle of it, all was a dark-skinned girl with short disheveled hair and tears going down her red cheeks, sobbing with a raw throat.

It only took Alexander a second to realize that was Theodosia.

Well, this is awkward.

"Hey Theo," Maria started. "A few of my friends came over, thought some company might cheer you up,"

"Sure, whatever," She shrugged as she took another spoonful of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Maria sat besides her and Peggy on the other side. Kitty and Alex sat awkwardly besides Peggy.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Kitty tried.

Theodosia leaded back against the bed and sniffed. "I just– I should've known better. I really should've. But he was just too charming. A fucking liar is what he was,"

Though he pities her, Alexander can't say he felt genuinely bad for Theodosia. After all, this is what she gets for cheating on her boyfriend. And of course, there's the underlying jealousy he feels though shouldn't. Still, he needed to seem like he actually cared.

"Long distance relationships are hard, I'm sure it was for the best," Alexander says.

"What? No, you're talking about Jacques. I was dumped by John Laurens,"


Peggy hissed in surprise. "Girl, what made you think that was a good idea?"

The crying girl shrugged once again. "I mean, regardless of everything I had heard, he treated me so nice. He made me feel good, and sure I have Jacques but... I don't know, I wanted something different, something exciting. And John Laurens was that,"

"He was just the same shit on a pretty package though," Maria commented and Theodosia signed.

"He made it clear that we were only messing around, but he said so many things that got my hopes up," She swallows a gulp of ice cream before continuing. "He said I looked cute when I danced, and that I was all he needed," She snorted sadly. "Bunch of bullshit."

A sick feeling settled on Alexander's stomach. He had to go, he couldn't keep listening to this. He couldn't. He had to get out fast.

He turned to Peggy and spit out the first excuse that came to mind before getting the hell out of there.

He should've known better. And yet.


He fell into his dorm, almost stumbling to the floor, and to his misfortune, John was there. Sure he lives there, but Alexander still hoped he would be somewhere else. The South Carolinian looked at him with a smile and walked to where he was, not noticing Alexander dying inside.

"Hey babygirl," He sang and Alexander wanted to throw up.

"Hey," He said back as John put his hands on his waist. Then started leaning in.

He said I looked cute when I danced.

That I was all he needed.

The only person I want is you.

I may have found someone I actually like kissing.

At least I have you.

Why not a two-time thing?

Words words words wordswordswordswordswordswords—


He pushed John back.

"I can't, I have too much work to do."

"Benefits" [Under Editing] Where stories live. Discover now