Caught Up Too Late

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Alexander woke up alone in his bed with no sexy South Carolinian by his side for the first time in a while. It felt good being able to lay like a starfish in the mattress and stretch like a lazy cat, it felt good waking up alone, kinda. Without John by his side the bed felt cold and even big, even if it was a small ass college bed. He frowned and shooed the invading thoughts out of his head, he did not miss cuddling with John. Cuddling was for losers anyways. Still frowning Alexander stood from his bed with the intentions of going to the bathroom, a good splash of cold water is what he needed.

And then he fell.

"What the–" He looked to the floor besides him and his eyes found that he had tripped over a sleeping John Laurens.

Like the gentleman he is, he kicked him on the leg.

"Wake up, stupid. What are you even doing in the floor!?" He screeched at him

"Shutup Hammie... Jeez I like it when you are noisy in bed but you don't have to be all the time" A half sleep Laurens answered.

"I swear I'm gonna throw your
Heathers poster off the window" The Nevisian threatened him, that definitely woke up his floor buddy.

John gasped "You wouldn't dare!"

"Watch me"

"Ok, ok, Im up. You don't have to take extreme measures, sweetheart"

'What a way to start the day' He thought.

"Imma get a bath, wanna join Hammie~?"

"Nope" He said, even if getting a bath had been the intended plan, and he left to the kitchen.

"Hey, at least I tried" John mumbled to himself as he walked towards the bathroom.


Alexander felt weirdly happy as he walked toward his dorm. His teacher had been absent today meaning that he could spend more time with John. He didn't know why, but he wanted to, John could actually be pretty pleasant to spend time with in a totally nonsexual way (that doesn't mean that the sex isn't enjoyable though, because it is). He was funny, a dork, and surprisingly smart. So sue him, but he was happy.

He took a sip of his coffee as he looked for his keys when he heard the moaning.

John had brought a girl to the dorm.

He frowned and felt like he had been impaled in the stomach by a rhino (and not in the good way). He knew he shouldn't be feeling this... feelings. John had followed their arrangement, Alexander was supposed to be in class now, and hopefully they weren't doing it on his bed. So there wasn't any reason to be feeling like that.

And yet he did.

He pitifully leaned against the door and slid down to the floor, pouting like a child. For some reason he refused to acknowledge, he always felt uncomfortable knowing that John was doing the same things he did to him to some girl, it was like an uncomfortable tickle on his belly, or a pinch, or a rhino horn stab, or– well you get the idea. In all honesty, Alexander didn't even know if he felt bad for John, the girl or himself.

Not like he has a reason to feel bad for himself, y'know. That's just dumb and makes no sense, there is nothing wrong with John bringing girls to the dorm and he shouldn't even care because him and John are nothing and John isn't his.

Is not like he wanted John all for himself, that's absurd, and selfish. John is a free man, and so is Alexander, it's not like he doesn't go out with people himself just like John does (Okay, he actually doesn't, but that's just personal preference, no feelings involved, seriously). And he's definitely not jealous.

"Tsk, as if, I'm not jealous. Who even said something about me being jealous? The only thing I need is you, my dear" He caressed his coffee cup. "...Why am I talking to a coffee cup? Gosh I'm more depressing than the 1930's" He took another sip of his coffee, it was his third cup today, that was probably he cause of his weird thoughts. Of course. It made perfect sense.

"Im being ridiculous" He grumbled. "There is nothing going on between us! We are only friends with stupid benefits... Nothing more, I'm just his stress reliever. So stop thinking this.. things! Fucking emotions" He stoped ranting to himself when he heard the moaning from the room get louder. "Gross..."

He downed the rest of the coffee. Some people drink alcohol, Alex drinks coffee.

"Pff, just hear her moaning, I can do way better than that. Seriously, there is a reason I'm gay, girls moans are just annoying!" He paused. "...My moans are not annoying, right?" Alexander face-palmed. "What am I doing? This is wrong, I can't fall from him. That's the most cliche bullshit ever"

"And yet here I am" He mumbled sorrowfully.

"I guess it's a little too late, isn't it..?"

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