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It only took them two days to realize that things were not ok.

They could fake being ok with being just friends, but with John's newly discovered feelings and Alex's ever-growing crush it was getting harder to hide all of these emotions every minute they spent together.

Which were a lot, by the way. Considering that they barely left each other sides now; they were attached to the hip.

And it was torture.

Alex just wanted John to pin him against a wall and kiss him until his lungs stop working. He wanted him to touch him and to make him beg again. But more than anything, he just wanted to go on cute dates with John in which he would bring him flowers, to kiss him goodbye before going to class and to tell him that he loves him. To brag that he's John Laurens boyfriend and that he's the one that gets to see his dick whenever he wants.

But none of that is happening because they are just friends.

Just like in the old times Alex was regretting all his life decisions while drinking coffee and watching "Dirty Dancing" when John came back from classes. He threw his backpack somewhere in the room and sat down besides Alex.

"You are watching Dirty Dancing..?"

"Yes John, I'm watching this movie and there is nothing you can do about it"

"I mean, it's not bad's not the best"

Alex hummed in response.

"I mean like, the only memorable scene this has is the final dance"


"Even Titanic has more memorable scenes like– hey are you listening to me?"

"You're so right John"

Laurens turned off the TV and took the coffee out of his hands, then pinned Alex on the couch.

"Hey, I was watching that!"

"And I was talking to you. Is everything ok? You were awfully quiet and that never happens"

"No John, everything is...fine.."

"Don't lie to me Alex"

"It's stupid"

"Just tell me"

"You're gonna laugh at my face"

"No I won't"



And that was it, Alex was gone. That was the final straw. He couldn't, it was too much.

He sighed.

"Benefits" [Under Editing] Where stories live. Discover now