Facts About The Story

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A/N: So fair warning, after editing the story some of these facts might not apply anymore or may not be surprising as they could've been implemented in the story, aside from that enjoy!

Hi guys! And welcome to "Facts About The Story That Some Of You May Know But Others Don't So I'll Tell Them Anyways!" Enjoy I guess xD

1- Alex was John's first time with a guy.

2- Charles Lee and Samuel Seabury started dating not long after they moved together.

3- John and Alex love coffee dates (probably because they love coffee more than they love each other).

4- The reason Alex is minoring in psychology is to mess with people like he did with John on the first chapter.

5- This is irrelevant but Alex is the lil spoon.

6- Half of the time John flirted with a girl on The Club they ended up doing nothing because she probably was way too drunk and he didnt wanted to take advantage of her, or at least more than he already felt he was.

7- John was depressed before he met Alex.

8- All the Schuylers are somehow queer.

9- Angelica loves to annoy people by being a musical theatre nerd.

10- Backstory time! Remember that one time John said his uncle was an asshole? Well, the bitch didnt like John for some reason so he would always say shit about him that wasn't true to his dad, because of that John's dad would hit John for stuff he didnt even do.

11- John was not being sarcastic when he said that he likes it when Alex is noisy in bed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

12- Theodosia low-key hates Alex right now.

13- Also, is Theodosia Burr, not Theodosia Bartow ;)

14- Every single time John brought a girl to the dorm Alex would hide in the tiny kitchen and rant to the coffee maker.

15- As you may know Alexander loves to brag about being John's boyfriend, that also includes hickeys. He literally never bothers to hide them.

16- Alex's self esteem wasnt really good either, and John being an asshole didnt help.

17- For John sleeping with girls was also kinda like self-harm, because it really hurt him emotionally. Not only he hated every second of it he also felt like he was taking advantage of the girl and hated himself because of it.

18- Remember Peggys idea to find out who was Alex crushing on? She told her sisters she would become friends with Laurens beause he was Alex's roommate and maybe he knew who the crush was. That was actually a lie, she only became friends with Laurens because she alread was suspecting on him.

19- After they started dating Alex decided to just embrace Heathers and started doing references.

20- The reason the Schuylers laughed so much when they suggested that Alex was in love with Jefferson was because they had literally just established that Alex wouldn't fall for a fuckboy or a druggie and on this story he's both.

21- Jefferson actually stopped doing druggs because they really affected Madison's health.

22- John was really happy when he became friends with Peggy because it was the first time he had a female friend and it just felt right.

23- Alex cries everytime someone gets married on a Telenovela and will probably start cheering too.

24- John didn't told Alex the things he said to the girls he flirted with, he told the girls he flirted with the same things he told Alex because unconsciously he wished he was with Alex instead. BOOM, PLOT TWIST (I've always wanted to say that).

25- John makes Alex stay with him all Wednesdays because he's sorta addicted to the happiness he feels when he's with Alex and wants to feel like that all day even if it is only a day.

26- Alex loves to wear John's clothes when hes not seeing.

27- Alex actually used to step on his legos a lot when he was a kid.

28- Turns out Maria really was Peggy's future wife.

29- Honestly Theodosia was being a little over dramatic, like she and John only flirted a little that first night on the club and then slept togheter a couple times for two weeks, they really weren't anything. (John's isnt any less of an asshole for giving her hopes up tho).

30- Remember when John bought a box of chocolates for Alex and he said he threw them away? Yeah, that was a lie. He actually ate them and cried while doing it.

31- Some of you guys already said it and yes, John is so gay he cant remember the actual names of the girls he sleeps with and replaces them with boys names because he wishes he was fucking a dude instead.

32- Alex's favorite nail polish is green (And I'm sorry that I didn't add Holo to Alex's nail polish list but I literally didn't even knew something called like that existed, I really know nothing about nail polish).

33- That one Wednesday when John made instant noodles for him and Alex but Alex was no where to be found, he was being depressed at the Schuyler's dorm.

34- Remember that girl Abigail who was mentioned for like one second on that one chaper? Some of you already guessed but that was Abigail Adams.

35- Sally always knew that Jefferon had been cheating on her, that one night she hooked up with John she had came to the bar to drink her pain away. John would've personally prefered to watch sad movies with her instead of sleeping with her to make her feel better but he told himself he had to.

36- Sally actually broke up with Jefferson and got herself a nice girlfriend not long after John came out.

37- Alex always paints John's nails, John can do it by himself but its kinda like a special intimate moment for the two of them when Alex does.

38- When they started dating John and Alex where nervous about fucking things up most of the time.

39- The drunk guy that flirted with Alex at the club was a really drunk and really closeted Charles Lee (he got into a lot of trouble with Sam that night).

40- Alex never got John to learn how to dance Merenge or Bachata, only Salsa.

41- Which they like to dance every Sunday night on their dorm/house.

42- Dolley is always embarrasing John and Alex by making a really gay comments about them everytime she sees them on the halls (On a friendly way tho, shes only teasing them)

43- John didnt plan proposing to Alex, he just accidentaly blurted the words and happened to have a ring pop on his pocket that day.

44- October 14 is Alex and John's wedding aniversary. I choose that date because Ham got married on December 14 and John on October 26 historically, so i decided to mix both dates.

45- Some of you know this but the story is called "Benefits", not Benefits. The quotation marks are included in the tittle as if saying that they aren't really any benefits of having this affair if they have to suffer while being on it.

Aaaand those are the facts that I could think of, yay (? Also I'm officially doing the One-Shot book!....Some...Day..Im thinking of calling it 'Salsa Dancing on Pajamas' or "Salsa Dancing and Freckles" or something silly like that, what do you guys think??


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