Coffee Lips

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Later that day, after finding out Alexander shared his ridiculously big addiction to caffeine, he asked him (more like pestered him, but same thing) to make some for him. It wasn't a big deal though, the boy was already up and making coffee for himself, he just had to do a tiny bit more for John. The South Carolinian would never say this out loud, but he found the fact that Alexander, hot, witty Alexander loved coffee too, weirdly sexy.

He still laid on his bed, looking at Alexander through tired half-lidded eyes. The Nevisian still seemed disturbed by the "unholy and stupid acts he committed" he was one big drama queen, but John found it strangely endearing. He could see right straight to him, the way Alexander looked at him divulged how he felt, and that satisfied John. He hadn't felt like this in a long time, but the shorter boy made him feel odd. He was still trying to decipher exactly what "odd" meant, but he liked it.


Okay, maybe Alexander was overthinking all of this situation. These were the facts:

•John was a closeted gay.
•He had sex with John.
•John was hot.
•Alexander actually enjoyed his "activities" with John.
•All of this was a fucking mess.

This was Alexander's conclusion:

•What the fuck is wrong with me?

Deep down he knew that he was just John's way to relieve all those gay feelings he had been holding up for practically forever. He was like all those girls John slept with, but he was also his dirty little secret. He felt gross but oddly attracted to John at the same time, it was like a weird pregnancy craving he knew he shouldn't he indulging in but still did. Maybe, this wouldn't be that bad. Probably, it would end up disastrously.


The Nevisian screeched when he rose from his bed and embraced him from behind, resting his chin on his tanned shoulder and wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

"Fuck off, Laurens" He said.

"But you made me coffee, I am in debt with you forever" He whined.

Alexander hummed. "And how do you plan to repay me?"

John smirked.

And that's the story of how Alexander found himself squished between the couch and John Laurens while watching the most horrific film of all existence: Mean Girls.
Apparently, John seemed to have an strange obsession with Teenage High School Dramas. He would never understand how this guy could pass off as straight for even a day.

Both sat quietly while watching the movie, John was specially focused on the plot even if he had seen it a million times before, and Alexander simply didn't know what to say. He kinda wanted it to stay like that, it was sort of comforting, some peace in the middle of this mess. Of course, The Fates didn't hear, God raised his middle finger, and John opened his mouth.

"Y'know, I've always thought of kissing as this.. awkward, weird thing. I didn't like it, it felt wrong" The South Carolinian mumbled.

"That sure is something I didn't expect to hear" And he didn't, last night John had kissed him as if he was water or even oxygen, like he couldn't get enough.

"Maybe I just.." He licked his lips anxiously. "Maybe I was was kissing the wrong people all along"

"You mean girls?"

He hummed lightly. "Yeah, you could say so"

"And your point is..?" He asked curiously.

"I think I have found someone who I actually enjoy kissing"

Then, Alexander felt rough hands grabbing him softly by the cheeks, and chapped lips pressing against his in an unexpectedly shy kiss which tasted like coffee. He tried to resist, for like 0.5 seconds, until he kissed back.

Who cared if his brain was in alarm state, he would deal with that later.

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