The waiting room

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Lydia sits in the waiting room anxiously waiting for the nurse to call her name."Lydia st-" "Lydia Martin me and my husband aren't really getting along so I'd liked to be called Lydia Martin" Lydia said to the nurse whilst walking to the ultrasound room.

"I'm sorry Lydia i can't find a heartbeat I'm afraid to say you've had a miscarriage I'll leave you alone for a bit" "thanks" Lydia said sounding all chocked up the nurse left and Lydia sat there on the bed feeling empty as she sobbed.She gathered herself up and left , home was the last place she wanted to be right now but that's where she drove.
"Stiles I had a miscarriage " "I'm really sorry honey that's really sad is there anything I can do " "it's okay I'm gonna go for a nap I need the sleep" Lydia slowly walked up the steps and hopped into bed she couldn't help but think she wouldn't be able to have children because she'd had two miscarriages now and that seemed like a lot to her.
Hi there 😊
My names Jade and welcome to my first stydia fanfic I'm new to this so please comment if you have any suggestions or anything you think could help me.
Enjoy ❤️

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