The road to home.

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Lydia's p.o.v
I had spent the last three days in the hospital with Billie it felt unreal that I finally had a child.
I'm not sure what it is but this hospital was giving me upsetting vibes and it wasn't good I needed to be out.
"Morning Lydia you can go home today I've got your discharge papers set up" Melissa looked upset she was about to walk out of the room when I stopped her "Hey Melissa are you okay ?" She turned around and continued all the way to the edge of the bed "No,Scott and Allison were in a car accident both the girls were in the car as well" I gasped "are they ok is Allison ok Scott the girls" I was freaking out I couldn't lose my best friends and my godchildren I was losing my breath "they're all ok but they were all very shaken up Amelia stopped breathing not that long ago we had to resuscitate her and thankfully she's ok" I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding in "thank god" I talked to Melissa trying not to sound like I was pitying her.

Billie was awake now,my discharge papers were signed and I was all packed to go home I was just waiting on Stiles to arrive. "Good afternoon gorgeous" Stiles was standing in the doorway "good afternoon,I can't wait to be home" I smiled and walked to give him a kiss he carefully hugged me without disturbing Billie as she laid softly in my arms swaddled in a silk blanket.

Stiles' p.o.v
I was wheeling Lydia to the car when a familiar voice called my name it was Melissa she held up a bag "you forgot this" she brought it over to me I thanked her for everything and gave her a hug.
I couldn't wait for Lydia to be home and Billie as well we could finally be a family I wanted nothing but good things to happen whilst Billie lived with us I didn't want her to go through what me and Lydia endured as kids.

We were home.
Lydia looked absolutely shattered and I wouldn't blame her she had had a big three days I told her she could hop into bed and I'd put Billie to sleep she refused.
"why not your tired and I need to practice helping out we're a team we do stuff to help each other now" she smiled "nice try but I think I'll pass" I just wanted to help but I let her do it anyways if you knew Lydia you'd know when she wanted to do something herself she did it by herself she refused any help given.

Lydia's p.o.v
I wanted to do this I was Billie's mom and it was my job to bring her into the house yes I was exhausted but I kept going because it was something I had wanted to do my whole life be.a.mother.
Stiles opened the door to the house and gestured I go in first I accepted his offer and stepped in to the house.

I couldn't describe it it was this rush of excitement and nervousness,i had a child now would i be a good mother,would we be able to provide for Billie,what about Lucy I didn't want her to feel neglected and then the exciting thoughts I was a mother,I finally had a complete family,I was successful and proud and my life was better than ever.

I walked up to Billie's room and opened the door with my free hand I smiled there was a mountain of gifts in her room from friends and family as i didn't want anyone visiting me in the hospital besides my mum and Noah. Billie was in her bed and I knew now that I needed a rest I jumped into bed with Stiles who was already asleep and snuggled into him he must've known i was there as he wrapped me in his arms in a tight hug and for the first time in months I was finally sleeping.

But that was shortly outlived.




Never did I think i'd get this many people reading my story !!!!!!!

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