Therapy is an idea

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Lydia's p.o.v
We had got home a little after 5 this morning and went straight to sleep.
I had recently noticed that my panic was getting worse and that I had recently been diagnosed with depression Therapy was an idea but I thought I'd talk to my mother who suffers from the same thing.
L:good morning,could you call me when you get this.
It took her at least an hour to call but I figured she had slept in.
N:good morning lyds is everything ok?
L: not really I've noticed my depression and panic getting worse do you think I should start therapy.
N:oh ok,um when I was pregnant it got worse and I started therapy and that seemed to help my advice try it out see how you feel and then judge from there
L:thanks mum could you come over later today ?
N:anything for my Ariel I'll see you soon.
I knew of a therapist that was apparently quite good Allison had started going to her a couple of weeks ago I had managed to snatch the therapists number of Allison a couple of days ago.
It was around 12.00 when I decided to leave the house Stiles was still asleep I left him a note "good afternoon,I've gone to see a therapist as I've noticed my panic and depression getting worse hopefully this helps, I love you" I grabbed my keys and headed into town.
*Therapists office*
The room was cold and grey fitting perfectly with how I felt there were two chairs facing one another a table in the corner and a candle lit in the centre of the small wooden table that smelt like rain.
"Hi my names Nina what have you come in for today?" She looked nice "Hi my names Lydia" she wrote my name down in her small notebook "I've come in today as I've noticed my panic and depression getting worse" she looked at me "are you pregnant by any chance" I managed a smile "yes I am actually" she wrote that down too "have you had anything traumatic in the past happen or very upsetting" I needed to get everything out but it just wouldn't come out "yeah actually there has been some things" "would you mind sharing them with me" I was hesitant but I knew this could only help "I've had to miscarriages,my parents split up when I was very young and my dad hasn't been around much of my life and me and my husband were going through a rough patch not that long ago" she jotted down as much as she could "and how do you feel those events have shaped your feelings to where they are now" "honestly I'm not sure I just want this to be over it sucks" she nodded "I know this ain't easy but trust me it gets easier as you talk it out" I mean I was up for trying but it didn't seem like this was the best idea "I hope so" she talked about stuff I could do to help for the rest of the session and then it was over and I was glad to be out of there I just wanted to be home.

Stiles' p.o.v
"Therapy huh" I had read the note Lydia had left me and grabbed some muesli out of the cupboard. A car had pulled up to the house assuming it was Lydia I opened the door and sure enough there she was hopping out of her small blue car,her eyes were red and puffy as she got closer to the door she wrapped her arms around my neck and sobbed "I'm so sorry stiles I'm such a disappointment you should've never married me" I pulled her out of the hug "how dare you say that lyds you are so not a disappointment and I married you because you were the one I wanted for the rest of my life and whatever is going on we'll get through it" she smiled and wiped her tears away.

"How about I heat up your pj's in the dryer and get some popcorn and we can watch a movie in bed" I knew this was something Lydia needed I could see it she was begging to relax "please" she looked shattered and I'd do anything to make her feel better.

Lydia's p.o.v
I had told mom to stay home I told her I felt better which was a total lie I was in bed with Stiles quickly falling asleep.
I don't know about this chapter 😕
-Jade 💗

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