Lydia,I don't think I can do this

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"Good morning sleepyhead want some coffee ?" Lydia asked stiles as he slowly walked down the steps "sure" stiles said in an angry tone "jeez ok what's up with you ?" "Nothing" stiles lied "come on what is it your usually never like this"
"Lydia,I don't think I can do this,you being gone all the time is really taking its toll on our relationship we never hang out anymore I just want things to be good again like old times" "umm ok,I know I'm gone a lot but that's because of the movie but it's almost finished I've got two more days of filming and then we're finished " Lydia said in a way she'd never spoken before.
"I think I'm gonna go away for a couple of days I'm sorry lyds but I need some time out " "fine but don't kiss anyone else matter of fact stay away from girls" and with that Lydia was off to work.
So love hangs in the balance for stiles and Lydia what will happen next stay tune
-Jade 💗

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