What's going on ?

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*the day after* Stiles's P.O.V
"Lydia can we talk ?" "Sure"
"Lydia what's going on you aren't the same anymore ever since your first miscarriage, talk to me I'm your husband I'm here for you I always will be" stiles said through teary eyes "I don't know I just want to have a family and be happy I miss everyone we hardly see any of our friends anymore, me and Allison haven't talked in ages i miss her she's my best friend and you haven't seen Scott in months I just want everything to be normal" Lydia couldn't help the tears streaming down her face."How about we invite them over along with kira,Isaac and Malia ? We can have a dinner together and maybe watch a movie like old times" stiles suggested "yeah, I'd like that thanks hun" Lydia smiled.

*2 hours later*
"I've called everyone they can come they're gonna bring pj's and pillows so we can have a sleepover" Lydia grinned she was finally getting to see her best friends again after months."hey Hun I'll cook dinner and you can cook breakfast does that sound good ?" Stiles said while already in the kitchen "that sounds great" Lydia laughed.
What do you think I have a surprise coming up you guys will love it,it seems like everything is going well for Lydia and stiles but stay tuned
-Jade 💖

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