I need to talk to you,stiles

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*2 weeks later*
"I need to talk to you,stiles" I smiled "what's wrong" he asked whilst dusting his hands on his jeans "look" I pulled up the pregnancy test from my legs stiles gasped "is it positive ?" "Yes,yes it is !" He grabbed me off the stool and hugged me so tight that I couldn't breath "stiles I can't breathe" "oh sorry hunny" I laughed "it's ok but be careful I'm carrying a little peanut now" we both smiled "I still can't believe your pregnant but don't set your hopes to high I don't want you to be really upset if something goes wrong" "yeah I know" I kissed stiles on the cheek and grabbed an apple to head of to see Allison "I love you Bub I'm gonna go see Allison I'll keep the pregnancy a secret until after the 12 week scan " I smiled whilst leaning on the door "ok I love you too have fun".

Stiles' p.o.v
Lydia had left to go see Allison so I decided I'd go and see my dad I grabbed my coat and headed to my jeep I hopped in and turned the radio on one of my favourite songs started playing "I chime in with the haven't you people ever heard of closing the god damn door" I screamed the lyrics all the way to dads house.
"Hey dad you home" I had opened the door with the spare key under the mat "hey bud how are you" dad was in the kitchen I took my shoes off and walked through the house until I set foot in the kitchen "I'm good I actually need to talk to you about something" he turned around from cleaning the dishes "sure what's wrong ?" He looked concerned "lyds is pregnant again I'm really scared" "oh that's good I know bud but it could be different just wait and see" he smiled "come here" I walked over to him and he pulled me into a hug [ring,ring,ring] "I might get that if that's ok" Dad laughed "go ahead" it was Lydia "hey what's up?" "She's in labour Allisons having the babies !!!!" "Wow is there anything you want me to do ?" "Yes meet me at the hospital in half an hour" it took me at least 20 minutes to get to the hospital "ok I'll be there I love you" "I love you too" I hung up and told dad I had to go I grabbed my coat and left.
Hey, Lydia's pregnant so stay tuned because things are about to get real good ☺️
-Jade 💖

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