Lydia,I love you

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Stiles' p.o.v
*the next day*
"You have one voicemail from Lydia" my phone said in a monotone voice I decided to listen to the voicemail "hey baby,how are you I hope your ok I think I have an idea as to whats going wrong but we can talk about that when you get back, I love you I miss you" I smiled she was the girl of my dreams I was married to her but I was letting her down.

Lydia's p.o.v
I started the car,the radio turned on and it was playing our song the song we had our first dance too I couldn't help the tears streaming down my face as the words were sung.
I couldn't face going anywhere today so I called Mike "Mike,I won't be able to come in to work today It's possible I might cry most of the day and I don't want you going through that,thanks I owe you one" I hung up and went back inside the only thing that would help right now would be Allison "hey Allison me and stiles are going through a rough patch and he's gone away for the weekend can you please come over I love you".

Stiles' p.o.v
*2 hours later*
"Thanks man" I said to the guy serving me as I walked out of the store I held the heaviest bouquet of flowers I had seen I put them carefully in the front seat as the back seat was piled up with stuff for what I was about to do.
"Hey lyds, I know your probably really angry at me right now but I need you to meet me at beacon hills stadium tonight at 9.30,Lydia I love you" I said to the answer machine Scott helped me with hiring the stadium and getting it ready "thanks Scott it means the world I owe you everything " I pulled Scott into a hug before he left.

Lydia's p.o.v
"Knock,knock" Allison yelled through the door "I'm coming one sec" I yelled back the door opened itself but I didn't mind "hey lyds are you ok you look terrible here have a wipe" she was probably pointing out the dripping mascara from my eyes I thanked her and wiped the mascara away "can I have a hug" I said with the best puppy eyes I could do she pulled me into a hug and I smiled.
"How is my favourite little bubba" I spoke into allisons stomach she couldn't help but laugh "you'll make a great Aunty lyds and a great mother" I smiled but it was wiped clean at the thought of what had happened "what's wrong" Allison asked whilst pulling me over to the couch "I had another miscarriage last week and me and stiles have been fighting for months it's just all to much" my eyes ran like water out of a faucet "he doesn't love me anymore A-Allison" I screamed "hey,hey,hey calm down he does love you he's with Scott setting up this huge surprise for you and about the miscarriage they happen but your bubba will come soon I know it" Allison said in the voice she used when I had panic attacks calm and soft "I'm sorry it's just becoming to much but what do you mean Scotts with stiles,stiles is in cannan" I questioned Allison "he was but he rang Scott and asked if he could help set up a surprise for you check your phone Scott said stiles tried calling you" my phone had been off since I called Allison I turned it on and checked "you have a voicemail from hunny bun 💖" I smiled at his nickname I played the voicemail
"Hey lyds, I know your probably really angry at me right now but I need you to meet me at beacon hills stadium tonight at 9.30,Lydia I love you" I smiled "go on lets get you ready " Allison squealed.
How are you guys almost 30 reads woohoo thanks guys love you
-Jade 💗

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