How could this happen

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I had nothing to do with my dad anymore he divorced my mum when i was five and I've barely talked to him since, he had my number he tried calling me at least once a week.

"you have one voicemail from dad" I never really listened to his voicemail's but today i did. 

"hey Lydia,I know you don't really want to hear from me but I need to talk to you i'm gonna be in town tomorrow could we meet somewhere" he hung up i really didn't want to see him but whatever had happened was serious.

stiles' p.o.v 

Lydia was telling me that her dad needed to see her tomorrow for some serious reason but i had zoned out when she started talking not because i didn't want to hear her talk but today was the day my mum had died 19 years ago "stiles hello" Lydia was waving her hand in front of my face "sorry i'm just a bit off today" she knew what I meant and gave me a kiss on the cheek "i'm sorry do you want to go see her ?" I did but i didn't want Lydia to see me really emotional even though we've been together for years.

Lydia's p.o.v

L:"Hey mum i need to talk to you about dad"

N:"that's odd what's wrong"

L:"he asked me meet up with him tomorrow because he's in town should i go ?"

N:"if it sounded important i think you should you've shut your dad out most of your life and that's not what we wanted to happen when we got divorced i'm sorry but coming from me i want you to have your father around in this part of your life i mean your getting married in a couple of weeks" 

L:"ok also i'm pregnant and it's healthy so your gonna have a grandchild"

N:"omg are you serious Lydia i'm gonna have a grandchild"

L:"yes you are" 

N:"aww i've gotta go work's calling I love you Ariel"

she hung up, she'd called me Ariel since I was little because of my love for The Little Mermaid but she was right I had shut my dad out and I knew how much it had hurt him so I called him back he didn't answer though so I left him a voicemail "hey dad I'd love to meet up tomorrow I've got a lot to talk about how about Annabelle's milkshake bar sound good give me a text or a ring when you get this". 

stiles' p.o.v 

I had started cooking dinner whilst Lydia was on the phone I was making our favorite macaroni cheese "hey handsome" Lydia had come up behind and given me a kiss on the cheek "what ya  cooking" I had turned around to face her "our favorite macaroni cheese" she squealed "yayyyyy" I laughed she was always so excited when food was around especially if it was her favorite.

"dinner's ready Lyds" I heard her run down the stairs "yayyyyy thanks baby" she kissed me on the cheek and sat on the couch turning on the T.V to watch our favorite show The Vampire Diaries.

Lydia's p.o.v 

"thank you hun i'm really tired and I don't feel to well either i'm gonna go to sleep" "ok get some rest Lyds i'll do the dishes" he kissed me on the cheek and I went upstairs I got into a tank top and shorts and hopped into bed and then it started the overthinking the fear of something going wrong tomorrow I knew how to cope with overthinking I tried my methods but it didn't stop "STILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i screamed i was panicking I heard the pounding of the stairs and the door fly open but my eyes were closed I couldn't see anything "Lydia what's wrong" "it won't go away" "what Lydia what won't go away" "the overthinking,the panic why does it have to be me" he kissed me but surprisingly it worked "when i kissed you you held your breath and your panic attack stopped" he was so smart.

hello i'm three reads away from 100 woohoo thank you guys so much what do you think about this chapter it's not my favorite but please tell me what you think 


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