We'll get through this

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*continuation of "Lydia will you marry me....again"*
Lydia's p.o.v
"Yes,YES of course stiles I love you I would be more than happy too" I smiled "phew" stiles laughed and slid a ring on my finger "stiles it -it's beautiful" it was the ring I had wanted since I was 20 I was more than happy I was ecstatic.

*2 hours later*
"Stiles we should get going it's almost midnight" I whispered "yeah we should" he smirked "what ?" "nothing" he continued to smirk "stiles what is it" "you'll see" he said STILL SMIRKING.
"Lyds go into our room you'll find something you'll like" he shouted out to me "ok" feeling very cautious I walked up the stairs I opened up the door and on the bed was this beautiful Lacey dress that was the right size for my body I picked it up and put it on I looked so beautiful.
"What now " I whispered into stiles' ear he turned around eyeing my body he bit his lip "fuck your so hot" "thanks" I smiled "come with me" I smirked he held my hand and we walked up the stairs "are you ready"stiles said with a smirk I bit my lip "yes" I lowered myself into the bed and waited for stiles to get back he came out of the bathroom looking so amazing "we need protection" I said to stiles " not tonight I know how much you want a kid and so do I so do you want to make one" I smiled "yes of course" and off we went.

*the next day*
Stiles p.o.v
"Good morning baby how are you" I smiled carrying two cups of coffee to the island bench "good thanks" Lydia smiled after taking a sip of her coffee she had covered up by putting one of my shirts on it made me smile "I'll buy a pregnancy test today it'll take a couple of weeks to find out but if there's any sign of me being pregnant I have a test on hand" she smiled which made me smile life was good now everything was how it used to be "I love you lyds" "I love you to stiles"
What about this chapter how saucy haha good things are coming for stydia woohoo I'm so proud of how my book is going comment what you think ☺️💗 love you guys
-Jade 💗

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