I'm sorry.

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Lydia's p.o.v 

I was home now,spending time with my mum was great I was happy and now I was just waiting for my handsome hubby to get home.

There was a knock on the door no one usually visits me this late I was hesitant to open the door but I wouldn't let anyone wait in the cold. "Mrs.Stilinski ?" It was the police I had no clue why they were here but i think it had something to do with Stiles "This is she what's going on" they looked blank "Your husband was in a car crash and we're afraid he won't make it he's on his way to the hospital in the city" I collapsed.

I grabbed Billie and jumped into the car I needed to be with Stiles.

It took me just under half an hour to get to the hospital the car was an absolute mission to park but I'm glad Billie had slept through the car ride because I didn't plan on her hearing me cry. "Excuse me where is Mieczyslaw Stilinski ?" the lady sitting at the desk stood up and led me too a room "I'll leave you alone".

The room was dark and cold but I proceeded to enter the room  "Stiles" I whispered "Lydia" he sat up and started crying "is that you" I walked closer to him and laced my fingers through his "I'm here now,your safe" he patted the bed for me to sit down next to him I placed Billie down next to the bed and hopped in the bed careful not to hurt Stiles "I'm sorry" Stiles winced in pain "what is there to be sorry about you were just in a life threatening car crash you could've died" "I know and that's why I'm sorry I should have stayed home where I was safe with my two favorite ladies" I laughed "Stiles I'm just glad your ok when you get out I'm not letting you out of my sight" he smiled "that's my job not yours".

*one week later* 

"Happy Birthday Lydia" A big crowd of people I knew jumped up from every available piece of furniture and shouted in unison,I hated surprises and Stiles knew this but this surprise meant everything to me. I was swarmed with hugs from my family and friends and given many kisses to the cheeks once I had greeted everyone I pulled Stiles outside and smiled.

"You know I don't like surprises but count this one lucky because I don't hate this one" Stiles broke out into the giggles "I'm sorry but I wanted everyone to be around for your birthday" "It's ok baby" I locked my lips with his and smiled he pulled me closer to him and pulled away from the kiss "thank you" I was confused "what for" he smiled "for everything" I smiled "I love you" "I love you too"


This is it I have finished my first story and I have learnt a lot from this thank you so much for reading this it means the absolute world to this small New Zealand girl but stay tuned next story will be coming soon.

Love you all 

Jade xoxo  

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