Baby stilinski

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Lydia's p.o.v
I yelped in pain "Stiles wake up Billie's  coming" he jumped up from the bed running to the wardrobe, getting my bag and running into the wall as a result of just waking up. 

3 in the morning and this was the last time it would just be Me and Stiles. It was something I had been dreaming of since a young age i wanted my children to grow up where their parents weren't separated because i knew how it felt and it felt awful,me and Stiles were on the same page with this we wanted Billie to grow up happy and not end up with what we have.

*on the way to hospital* 

The boot was packed with my stuff for the three days or more me and Billie would be in hospital Stiles was still a bit loopy from walking in to the door trying to get my stuff out of the room and  in to the car which to admit was very funny.Yes I was in pain but there was really nothing I could do until we got to the hospital and to make matters worse we were stuck in traffic i mean how many other people needed to be at the freaking hospital on a Friday besides the drunken idiots and the few other ladies that could be in labor.

Stiles' p.o.v 

"OWWWWWWWWWWW" Lydia screamed in pain she gave me such a fright but that was expected "whats happening are you ok" "NOOO" panic started to settle "what do I do lyds" "i don't know just get me to the bloody hospital" i had no clue what to do because we were stuck in traffic idea;HONK THE BLOODY HORN "what was that meant to do dummy" "i'm panicking what else am i supposed to do" my hands were in the air retartedly waving hoping some godly power would come and let me separate traffic so i could get Lydia to the goddamn hospital.

"oh it was just a contraction" i looked at Lydia with the most angry face ever "are you kidding i thought i was going to have to pull over and become a full on midwife and nurse at the same bloody time" she looked at me and broke in to laughter "it's not funny I was very worried" she smirked "actually it was you looked like a complete idiot" and finally the traffic was gone and we could actually be on the way.

Lydia's p.o.v

we had arrived at the hospital and i just needed to be inside so i told Stiles to leave the bags where they were and help me inside "excuse me could we please see Melissa Mccall" a lady around her late 20's looked up "sure" she looked very unimpressed and very sleep deprived within a few minutes Melissa was there to help us "good morning guys right this way" she looked so great at 3 in the morning i had always envied Melissa because of how she always looked like she got the right amount of sleep whilst managing her life which from Scott's words was very busy.

"So Billie's decided to come today" "she sure did" Melissa had put me in a birthing suite that pretty much had everything i needed for this to possibly be easier,from the short time I had been in the room i'd had three doctors visit me one to check how far dilated I was,one to check my heartbeat for any signs of stress and one more to ask if i wanted an epidural which i gladly accepted not being afraid of needles made this part so much easier for me buttt not so much for Stiles he fainted even though he wasn't the one getting a needle in his spine.

*4 hours later* 

I was fully dilated by this point and i just wanted to push everything hurt.

"Good morning Lydia" Melissa had walked in with a team of nurses and Doctor's "how about we start pushing and reveal Billie to the world " I smiled "yes please" she barked orders at the nurses making sure they did everything right."Ok Lydia you ready" "as ready as i'll ever be" "ok i want you to push all your weight into your butt" It sounded stupid but Melissa knew what she was doing.

"One more push" i howled in pain.

I opened my eyes had i been asleep i didn't remember much "where's Billie " I sounded different "sweetie you passed out just after Billie was born" i was shocked "I did" "yes are you feeling ok now" Melissa was certainly worried but i assured her i was ok "can i hold her" i just wanted to hold my baby "sure she's in another room with Stiles i'll go get them" Melissa exited the room very swiftly I was still in shock that I had passed out.

Stiles' p.o.v 

Billie was beautiful,she was so small and fragile and so perfect. Lydia passed out a couple of seconds after Billie was born it sent everyone panic there were doctors and nurses everywhere ones working on Billie and ones working on Lydia i was standing in the corner freaking out until i was asked to leave the room.

"Stiles,Lydia's awake and she's requested to see Billie" I nodded and walked with Melissa down to the birthing suite.The double doors opened to a very tired looking Lydia but she smiled when she saw me walking with Billie in my arms "aww" she was crying i carefully placed Billie in to Lydia's arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek and stood back looking at my beautiful family.

Lydia's p.o.v

I was finally holding my Billie.

She was beautiful.

Everything I had hopped for.

A healthy baby of my own for me and Stiles to have forever.

"hi beautiful,i'm your mommy you've already met daddy i'm sorry i couldn't hold you when you were born but i'm making up for it now" she was sound asleep but all i wanted to do was talk to her and watch her as she slept she was just so perfect.





what do you think of the name Billie is it good ? 

Jade <3

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