Stiles,where are you ??

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"Lydia where the hell have you been ? We've been waiting the past 20 minutes !" My boss yelled in my ear "I'm sorry me and my husband are going through a rough time and he's going away for a couple of days " his mouth dropped "oh I'm sorry do you wanna take the day off ? It's ok if you do " I smiled at the offer "it's fine Mark I need the distraction " "ok let's get you into hair and makeup !" "Yayyyyy " I clapped my hands and walked with Mark to the hair and makeup trailer.

Stiles's p.o.v
*listening to the radio*
"In 50 metres turn right" the gps interrupted my favourite song I laughed I was of to Canaan for the weekend I just needed sometime to think.

*bell ringing*
"Hello is anybody there ?"I yelled as soon as I did an elderly woman walked into the foyer "hello sorry I was on the phone with my grandson would you like to check in ?" "Oh sorry about that,yes could I get a room for one for two days ?" She smiled a welcoming smile "yes of course here are your keys.
,room 311" I thanked her and walked up the stairs to my room I opened it up it was small but good enough for the weekend I put my stuff away and lay on my bed and slowly fell asleep.

Lydia's p.o.v
I tried ringing stiles after work he didn't pick up so I left him a message "hey baby,how are you I hope your ok I think I have an idea as to whats going wrong but we can talk about that when you get back, I love you I miss you." And I hung up.
I think this is one of my favourite chapters I think I wrote it really well If you think so tell me !
-Jade 💗

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