The scan

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Lydia's p.o.v
It had been a couple of weeks since I had had my last scan and I was booked in for today it was the gender reveal.
"Good morning" stiles had turned to look at me "you ready to see if our peanut is a boy or a girl ?" He smiled "that's today ?" "yeah it is but I've also got the premiere of my movie tonight I just remembered" he looked shocked "never did I think my wife would be in a movie let alone a very big one" he laughed and kissed me on the forehead "what're you doing get up we've got a big day ahead of us" I smiled and got up.

*midwives office*
"Lydia Stilinski" "coming" the midwife led us into the scan room and insisted I sit on the bed."Are you excited" Erica was a close friend of ours so I knew I could trust her "of course I am" she laughed because she knew how much I wanted children "ok this'll be cold but don't worry" she started scanning around my stomach for the baby "lyds,look there's the feet" Erica was pointing to the TV above us I smiled "do you wanna know the gender" I squealed "yes" (drumroll please) "it's a girl" "really Are you sure" I was in complete shock "yup it's a girl alright" I smiled and looked at stiles he was crying "Mr.Emotional over here" he punched me in the arm "hey I'm excited ok I'm allowed to cry this is our child and it's a girl I'm so happy" he had always been a sappy person and I hated him for that but today I didn't it just made sense.
We had finished at the scan and were of to the mall.

Stiles p.o.v
"Stiles we need to get you a suit" Lydia was bossing me around on what I needed to get "what about the one I have at home" she scoffed "this is a premiere for my movie your getting a new one" I groaned shopping was something I did not enjoy but being with Lydia meant suck it up and just get on with it.
We had got a suit Lydia had called me handsome on multiple occasions whilst trying them on which made me feel good now it was off to get her dress and shoes and makeup the list goes on.
"Stiles what do you think" my jaw dropped Lydia was in a long red ball gown that had sparkles up and down the entirety of the dress her strawberry blonde hair complemented the ensemble perfectly and her eyes made everything look so much better "go get changed we're going to get that dress right now" she giggled "so I look good" I scoffed "good more than good absolutely freaking beautiful " she giggled some more and walked back into the changing room she walked back out with the dress in her arms and whispered "let's go" I smiled grabbing her hand.

Lydia's p.o.v
I was home and I was in the shower I felt like I was dreaming everything that'd just happened I needed to get out of the shower and check.
"Stiles are you here" I yelled to downstairs "yes I'm here" he was walking up the stairs he opened the door "did we go out today" he looked puzzled "yes do you not remember"
"No I thought I was dreaming " he came over and sat me down "are you feeling alright do you still want to go to your premiere ?" The dress it was there in front of me I smiled "no I have a better idea".
Hey so what do you think Lydia's gonna do instead ?
-Jade 💗

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