Will you marry me...again ?

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Lydia's p.o.v
"Allison what one red dress or blue dress ?" I asked her with a smile "the red one it makes you look so beautiful" I couldn't help but grin my best friend knows me inside out 8 years strong 💪🏼.

"Ok Allison what do you think " I twirled "omg lyds you look amazing I wish I looked like you but trust me I'm carrying twins it'll take me years to get back to what your body looks like " eyeing her pregnant tummy "lyds they're kicking come" Allison couldn't help but smile "aww" I started tearing up "hey don't cry you'll ruin your makeup your baby will come someday" "yeah" I wiped the mascara off my face and smiled "thanks alli I don't know what I'd do without you" "it's ok you've got me for me years to come " she hugged me but her belly was in the way which made us giggle "it's 9.10 you've got 20 minutes you better get going " alli said with a smile "ok remember to lock up I love you" "I will good luck love you" and with that I was off.

Stiles' p.o.v
I paced across the field the box in my hand "come on stiles suck it up you've been together for almost 7 years" I whispered to myself everything was perfect the setup was amazing and I knew lyds would love it.
"She's here" Scott said over the radio "ok cool remember what to do ?" "Yup don't worry".

Lydia's p.o.v
"Scott what are you doing here ?" "You'll see" he smiled at me "here put this on" he gave me a blindfold "what the hell do I need this for ?!" "You'll see" I put the blindfold on with caution but knew I could trust Scott he was my best friends husband "ok let's go" Scott whispered.
As I got closer I could hear it our song "sit" "ok" I did with caution they were comfy seats though so I wasn't complaining "take the blindfold off" I could hear stiles say but he wasn't In front of me he was speaking through the speaker I took the blindfold off "omg stiles this is amazing where are you" "he's up there" Scott pointed to the top of the stairs I smiled stiles walked down I turned around to see Scott running "good luck" he shouted which made me laugh a bit to hard.
"Hey" I turned around to see a stiles dressed in a suit looking handsome "hey this is amazing you really didn't have to do this" "yes,yes I did I need to talk to you" "same " "can I go first" stiles asked with puppy dog eyes "yes of course" "ok here it goes" stiles looked me in the eyes "Lydia,ever since 3rd grade you've been the girl of my dreams I watched you get hurt and mistreated countless times and it sucked and then I finally got the girl of my dreams,you and then I lost you and my world was crushed and then I realised that I needed you I did what I had to do and I got the love of my life back we graduated and went to college and I knew my life wouldn't be complete if it wasn't with you so I got a ring and put it on your finger and then we got married around all our friends and family and two weeks ago it fell apart because of me again I lost you again and now I'm here to show you what you truly mean to me,Lydia Camille grace Martin will you marry me again ?" I was in tears I couldn't help but cry I didn't know what to say but I knew what I wanted.
Soooo what do you think I'm really happy about this chapter ❤️

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