Twins a pregnancy and a wedding

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Stiles' p.o.v
"Hey lyds what room are you guys in I'm in the carpark ?" "I'll come and get you " and within a couple of minutes my favourite strawberry blonde walked out to get me "hey how's Allison doing ?" I questioned Lydia as we walked through the double door into the birthing suite "she's doing great she's very frustrated though" we continued through to Allisons room were she was starting to push "LYDIA COME HOLD MY OTHER HAND NOW!!!!!" Allison screamed which made me laugh but I knew that Allison wanted her best friend by her side so I let Lydia go.
"One more push and the second one will be here" I heard the nurse say to Allison "AHHHHHH" I felt bad for Allison but I knew once it was over she'd be filled with joy.
Lydia's p.o.v
"OMG Allison they're here your babies are here" I started to happy cry Allison was holding her beautiful twins I was finally I was an Aunty and I couldn't help but think I could be in the same situation in nine months.
"Have you decided on names ?" The nurse asked whilst walking through the doors "Amelia and posey McCall" I smiled they were perfect names for the two girls "hey Allison it's getting late me and stiles are gonna go home now but we'll come and visit tomorrow " "sure thanks for all your help I love you" "I love you too" I waved goodbye as me and stiles headed out of the hospital "you must be happy " stiles smiled "yeah I am actually" we hopped in the car and drove home.
Lydia's p.o.v
"Hey stiles we should probably start planning this second wedding is it gonna be big or not ?"
Stiles walked over to the desk I sat in "we'll make it friends and family where should we have it ?" "How about our garden I mean it's big enough for all of us and then we can all come inside and have cake and stuff " I smiled "that sounds perfect Bub " stiles picked me up of the chair and set me down on the floor "what are you doing" he bent down to my stomach "hey lil peanut how are you mummy and daddy love you so very much please stay strong so we can hold you and have you forever" I let out some tears "my 12 week scan is tomorrow you wanna come ?" I suggested stiles shot up like a boy getting candy "really !" "Yeah I sorted it out today with the midwife she has us booked for 12.00" he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him our lips instantly locking "I love you Lydia" " I love you to stiles".
Woohoo twins and the baby and the wedding lots going on for the gang stay tuned
-Jade ☺️💖

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