what is Lydia doing ?

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stiles' p.o.v

"but Lydia this your movie are you sure you want to miss out on it" I was shocked Lydia didn't want to go but whatever else she had in mind i wouldn't miss for the world "get dressed in to your suit we're going somewhere" she had walked out of the room before i could ask where in the world we were going. 

I looked good,Lydia had told her boss that she couldn't make it and she was waiting for me which was a surprise she was always the last to be ready."Stiles hurry up we need to go" Lydia sounded suspicious "i'm ready " I said waltzing into the lounge lyds looked amazing my brain was never prepared for the amount of beauty my wife radiated "thank you for giving me a chance never did I think I'd have you as my wife especially 4 year old stiles sitting in that damn sandbox where i instantly fell in love with you" Lydia couldn't help but giggle "my pleasure,lets go".

Lydia's p.o.v

we were going to Cannan and I was driving,Stiles had no clue as to where we were going but that was the point I didn't want him to know it was my time to surprise him.

My handbag was full of the essential items for my plan they were really just things I had in the house and were crucial for what i was about to do."Lydia just tell me where in the world we are going " this was at least the third time I had heard these words "we're almost there".

"god your impatient sometimes" I laughed and got out of the car and opened Stiles's as he was to worried to open the door "oh we're in Cannan" I laughed "but why are we at a park" he obviously didn't trust me "why don't you trust me your the one that said you would for the rest of your life" "i do so trust you but right now it's 10.00 at night and were at a park in freaking Cannan does that explain why i'm a little bit freaked at the moment" he had a point.

I had called a local marriage celebrant she was waiting for us by the lake,I picked there because when me and Stiles were younger that was the spot we had our first kiss.

"were at the lake haha I know why you picked here" he was grinning from ear to ear "who's that over there" i was smiling now "the marriage celebrant" he whipped his head around so fast i thought he had gotten whiplash "our what !" "our marriage celebrant" he nervously laughed "so your meaning to say we drove all the way to Cannan to get married at the lake where we had our first kiss" "pretty much".

Stiles' p.o.v

Lydia Stilinski was a girl of many talents and surprises but this took the cake she was getting us married at 10.00 at night in front of the lake where i supposedly made the best decision ever .

"Hi there my names lily and i'll be giving you away to each other in the form of marriage" everything went exactly the same as it did 2 years ago but this time it felt much more special maybe it was because we were somewhere special to our hearts or the fact it was just us there in the cold of the night getting married for the 2nd time.

Lydia's p.o.v 

"Thank you so much it means the absolute world" everything went amazing even the ring pops were a hit the celebrant was headed home and me and Stiles were about to as well but I needed to make one more stop it was midnight and the only place open that sold strawberry milkshakes was Dunkin Donuts but i didn't mind Stiles was in on the plan.There were only a few people in the shop and judging by the looks we got we looked pretty stupid all dressed up at midnight but we didn't mind we got a Donut each and a large strawberry milkshake and sat a table and talked until we were politely asked to leave it was just like old times long talks until the early hours of the morning and it felt great.




hey guys question how would you feel about a Riverdale fan fiction ?! 

-Jade <3

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