Stiles I have a suprise

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"Allison !!!" "Lydia!!!!" The two said in unison "I missed you so much " Lydia said through teary eyes "I did too I love you so much Lydia" Allison said as she sobbed.
*1 hour later*
"Ok so we have something to tell you guys" Allison and Scott grinned "we're pregnant !!" "Omg Allison I'm so excited I get to be an Aunty !" Lydia couldn't contain her excitement so she got up and jumped around on the floor.
*movie time*
"What movie should we watch ?" Stiles said with a pile of DVDs in front of him "ask Malia she always picks the best films " Isaac said sarcastically "Isaac it was one time !" Malia laughed and smiled "how about the maze runner ?" Lydia smiled "it's a really good movie" everyone agreed.
"Snacks are over here " Lydia pointed to the table behind them and they started the movie,"AHHHH" everybody screamed "haha you guys its not that bad " Kira laughed.
Everybody had fallen asleep besides Lydia and stiles "stiles there is something I need to tell you " "ok what's up" "I got a letter today asking if I'd like to be in a movie,it's a film about a girl who pretends to be dumb most of her high school life but she falls in love with someone who knows she's one of the smartest people ever and the rest is a secret what do you think should I do it?" Lydia smiled because stiles's mouth had dropped "omg lyds that's amazing go for it if you want it I want it " "ok"
Lydia smiled as she drifted of to sleep.
How about that scallison is pregnant and Lydia is now a movie star 😮 what do you think ?
-Jade ❤️

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