I don't know if I can do this

380 9 0

Lydia's p.o.v
*the next day*
I groaned it was to early to be awake but my body decided it was time,I walked to the shower as this was the only thing that would properly wake me up.
The shower was hot and it felt nice I relaxed as I sat on the floor of the shower I had been sitting there since I had got in I told myself to get up and finish my shower it took all of my strength to get up as I was still recovering from last nights panic attack.
I got out of the shower and walked to the wardrobe I picked out a floral dress and a nice grey cardigan I paired the outfit with a pair of grey flats I put it on and nodded into the mirror,makeup was next I didn't want heaps foundation,concealer,mascara and lipgloss made the cut but it worked and I felt good.

Stiles' p.o.v
Lydia was up I could hear her walking around upstairs,I knew how nervous she was for today and I don't blame her if it was me I would be panicking we both suffered from panic and it was hard but we knew how to fight it and that was another reason Lydia surprised me.
I was making coffee for me and Lydia when she walked down the stairs "good morning gorgeous"she didn't look to well "hey come sit down what's wrong"she looked me in the eyes "stiles I don't know if I can do this I'm really worried" I knew a million things were going through her head "what's worrying you " "I don't know,you know that feeling of being worried about something but you just can't pin point it that's how I feel" I handed her her coffee "your anxious lyds,it's ok to feel anxious I'm sure everything will go fine you've just got to be yourself " she smiled "thank you".

Lydia's p.o.v
It was 11.30 I had texted my dad to tell him what time to meet he agreed
D:see you there
L:see you soon
I kissed stiles on the cheek when I realised I hadn't done my hair thank god for the hair tie on my wrist I decided on a messy bun I pulled a couple of hairs down on to my face and grabbed my keys 'deep breathe in deep breathe out' I shut the door and walked to my car I hopped in and shut the door "you can do this" I whispered to myself my car was brought to life with the turn of the key and I was off.
There weren't to many people there which was good I spotted dad at a table and walked over he was scanning the menu when I sat down "hi dad" he jumped and laughed "you scared me hello to you too" he put his menu down he was about to ask me something when the waiter walked up to get our order she looked nice she had short brown hair and she had a great figure "hi there my names Malia and welcome to Annabelle's milkshake bar what would you like today " I knew her from somewhere "I'll have a chocolate milkshake and a cinnamon donut please" dad had always got that on the occasions I saw him "I'll have a strawberry milkshake please" she looked at me "Lydia ?" I had clicked we were good friends in high school but I had forgotten her I felt awful "Malia,how are you" she smiled "I'm great thank you what about you" "I'm great thanks" she smiled "I'll go get these for you now" and with a wave she was gone.
"Who was that" dad laughed knowing I didn't particularly recognise her "a good friend from high school she decided to study abroad after graduation I hadn't seen her since" he smiled "ok so how are you" "I'm good me and stiles are having a second wedding I'm pregnant and I'm in a movie and the premieres soon" his jaw dropped "you never fail to amaze me lyds" I laughed "it's not that big" "are you kidding my daughter is having my grandchild she's having a second wedding and she's in a movie" he was gob smacked "yes I am".
We talked and then he told me what he needed to tell me "I'm sorry to say this but I think you should know I'm gay" I looked at him with a weird look "really ?" "Yes and I'm getting married soon" I smiled "dad that's amazing there is no need to be sorry I'm very happy and I'd love to meet the lucky man sometime" he was crying "hey don't cry" "sorry I'm just really glad that you accepted who I am I'd love to invite you to the wedding here is the invitation" it was very fancy "I'll be there" we drank our milkshakes and said our goodbyes and with that I was off home.

Stiles' p.o.v
I had left Lydia a note I was at work and I didn't want her to be worried when she got home.
Work was ok but I couldn't wait to be home.

Lydia's p.o.v
The house was silent I called out to stiles and there was no reply I went to check the kitchen there was a note "hey sexy,I'm at work I'll be home at 7 I hope everything went well with your dad I love you" I grinned I knew he didn't mind work but it wasn't his favourite thing to do.
It was seven dinner was cooked my jobs were done and I was on the couch watching TVD when the door opened "hey stiles how was your day"
He turned into the lounge "it was good actually I got promoted" I squealed "congratulations baby" he smiled grabbing his plate from the bench and joining me on the couch "so how did it go with your dad" I smiled "it was great he told me he was gay" stiles gasped "really are you ok with that" I stared at him "of course I am he's invited us to his wedding" he looked shocked "he's getting married" "yes and we're going" he smiled "ok I can't wait" we finished up TVD and went to bed I had had a great day and I went to bed happy and knew tomorrow was going to be even better.
Hello we hit 100 reads and I am over the moon sorry I didnt update yesterday it was my dads wedding so I was very busy.love you guys
-Jade 💗

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