The truth

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*the next morning*
Lydia's p.o.v
"Stiles wake up its almost twelve I have my scan today" I was nervous I wanted this pregnancy to go the way it should "lyds you zoned out"stiles said while standing at the door "haha sorry I'm just a bit scared and nervous" I was telling the truth "everything will be fine I'm sure our peanut will be in your belly for nine months" he smiled "I'm gonna take a shower and get changed is that ok ?" "It's fine be quick though" stiles was off to the shower so I got my stuff and headed downstairs.
*Lydia and Allison*
L:hey Allison I need to tell you something
A:yeah sure you can tell me anything
L:so when stiles did that surprise thingy for me we had sex and I got pregnant I'm going in for my scan today I'm just really nervous I don't want to miscarriage again
A:Lydia that's great I know how hard it was for you when it happened the last two times but remember third times the charm
L:yeah stiles just got out of the shower I'll call you afterwards I love you
A:I love you to good luck I love you too so do Amelia and posey
Stiles' p.o.v
I heard Lydia talking on the phone so I assumed it was Allison I think she was telling her about the pregnancy. I walked to the wardrobe and picked out a flannel and some black jeans paired with my adidas superstars it looked great i gelled my hair put my perfume on and went downstairs.
"Hey baby you ready to go?" I smiled she looked so beautiful and I was lucky to call her mine "yes let's go" I grabbed the keys to the jeep and locked up the house "are you ever gonna get rid of roscoe" I scoffed "never this jeep is my baby" sure he was old and rusty but he was perfect to me.
Lydia's p.o.v
*midwifes office*
"Lydia Stilinski ?" The midwife called out "here" I raised my hand like I was back in high school "right this way " she led us to a dark room and instructed I sit on the bed until she got back "it'll be ok" stiles grabbed my hand and kissed it.
The midwife walked into the room "hi my name is Erica you must be Lydia and this is your husband stiles right ?" She sat down "yes he is" "ok let's get this started" she put the gel on my stomach and started scanning "um I can't seem to find a heartbeat" "are you sure" I was on the verge of tears "yeah-oh no there it is it's healthy look" she pointed up to the screen and I broke I was finally having a baby "congratulations I can't tell the gender yet but I'll book you in for your 20 week scan and we can possibly see then" I turned to her and gave her a thank you she left the room for me and stiles to talk "so we're finally having a baby how you feeling" I looked at stiles he was crying "I'm so happy I'm not sure if your crying happy tears but suck it up you've got a baby on the way" he laughed and wiped his eyes.
We payed at the desk and left,we were driving home until stiles went the wrong way "we're are we going you dork the turn off was that way" he smiled "you'll see" I hated surprises so this was eating away at me "omg stiles what are you doing its so expensive here !" He had pulled into the most expensive shop in beacon hills "we're getting our little peanut a gift" I started to smile "we don't know the gender though" I stated the obvious "we'll get something gender neutral is that ok ?" "Yes of course" we got outside and walked into the little cuties co and looked around.
"Omg stiles look at this" I held up a little onesie with bunny rabbits on it "I agree how much?" "$50" "ok let's get it" I disagreed "no it's to much" stiles stared at me "we're getting it no excuses it's our first child" he snatches out of my hands and ran up to the counter I laughed and went after him "ok thanks" he smiled at the cashier he grabbed my hand and walked away from the shop to the car.
Hi guys today was a good day I got added to a stydia reading list thank you stydia524 it means so much I lit up instantly when I saw that and thank you to everyone one else for reading my stupid story
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-Jade ☺️❤️

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