Chapter 1

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Ashley POV:

Today , was my normal old routine - get up , get cleaned , get dressed, eat , go to University , eat and sleep. Man you don't know how much I really despise going to school , let alone waking up at 6:45am just to get ready. You don't know how hard it is to be me in university - your constantly being asked ,

"Hey , aren't you Ashley Horan , Niall Horan's cousin"

"Can you ask Niall to follow me on twitter"

"Can you help me get an autograph from Niall and the Lads I love them"

"What does it feel like being related to Niall Horan"

Well , for all those questions it really does my head in , Uncle Bobby is probably the one who can handle it more than anyone else in our family. Niall and the guys are coming to Mullingar in a couple weeks time , I cant wait to see them again - haven't seen them in ages , well technically not ages - I hope video chatting count as seeing each other doesn't it?. Anyway , im in university right now ... Chilling with my best friend Kevin Henderson , he's pretty cool and funny when you get to know him fully.

"Ash!" I hear my name being called from across the football court by Kevin , he's the captain to the university's boys team - well , I can say im the captain for the girls football team.

"Hey" I stop to wait for him to catch up with me , I see the sweat that was dripping from his forehead down to his chin as I laugh as if he was melting like a snow man who just got out in the sun.

"What are you laughing at Horan huh?" He lightly elbows me and he does that cheeky grin of his which always seems to get the cheerleaders attention.

"That you look exactly like a melting snow man - those girls up there seem to really like you" I spoke doing a little light laugh and continued to walk to the campus that was on the other side of the football court. As Kevin came running after me with his sports bag on his shoulder.

"Where do you think your going Missy? , we got Physics together remember" He said pulling me by the arm making me stop walking to class

"Are you stupid or what? , class is that way - you busy perving those girls over there you forgot where the class is?"  I pull my arm from his grasp and continued to walk through the wet mud.

"Jealous" He laughed once again catching up with me

"Remind me how I know someone stupid like you" I laughed and elbowed him and stepped through the front door of the physics department to be greeted my Nerds and Geeks , I don't really like them : they just simply wont leave me alone .... I cant wait till football practise during lunch , that's when the guys football team are out , I really like one of the players but he's just a snob for cheerleaders.

We get into class and take our seats , as usual I take my seat near the front with Laura and Denise my girl best friends which are also on the girls football team , Denise is Co-Captain , she should be proud though she doesn't really pay much attention when the ball comes towards her when the boys are out as well. Anyway , Mrs  Wood came into teach us about her usual topics as there is normally an interruption from the boys round the back with the cheerleader on their laps , does my head in.

"What! , you cant be serious ! not football practise ! " I screamed as I stormed off the pitch at got my stuff - taking my keys out my bag as I unlocked my car got in and drove home , I couldn't care less about my other lessons today.

I drive into the nice tiled driveway of my house I share with my dad and get out as I unlock the front door. "Im home ... and very annoyed" I shout closing the front door behind me taking off my football boots. 

"Your cousin is coming tomorrow just to say hello and spend time with you!" Dad shouts back as I follow where the voice is coming from , he was on the phone with someone.7

"Who isit?" I open the fridge and take out a bottle of water and drink it as I sit on the stool in front of dad.

"Your cousin"

"Oh oh can I talk to him please!!!" I begged as he passed the phone over

Niall POV:

I was currently on the tour bus I share with Harry and Zayn waiting to stop at Luton airport to go to Mullingar early just to see my family , I was on a phone call with my uncle Stanley as I heard a shout in the background and uncle Stanley shout back and it was my cousin Ashley home from University.

"Oh oh can I talk to him please!!!" I heard her beg as I laughed  on my side of the line ... Its really strange we have the same birthday and we are the same age. "Hey cousin!" I hear her voice talk from the other side of the line

"Hey cuz cuz , cant wait to see you tomorrow - haven't seen you in ages!" I say to her

"Meet too ! , visit me and dad first okay!" I laugh on how she talks when she was joking around

"I will don't worry cuz , I love you load I have to get on the plane now"  I said sticking the last of my things into my Duffer bag that was green

"Alright , love you to cuz! bye" After she had said bye I ended the call and stuck the phone in my pocket and swung my duffer bag onto my back and got off the bus , followed by getting off my 3 huge suitcases on the bottom part of the bus and putting on a trolley which Paul helped me push into the airport as I signed in.

Moment came by as our flight was called "Flight 23049 to Mullingar , Ireland make your way to gate 5 please" the woman on the intercom said as we all walked to the plane and sat in the first class area which I really adored more than ever since I became who I am today with the guys.

I sat down in my seat which was near the window , I was going to miss London for quiet a while because we are on a world tour for a couple months and this is the chance for me to finally to go to countries I have never really even been to with my family. The plane took off after a couple minutes as I pressed the button near my seat with all different kind of buttons that seem really relaxing and that im used to. A nice man who was Irish came over to me with a nice bottle of water that Paul instructed we all have before we get off the plane to make sure our throats were fully hydrated .

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