Chapter 10

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Ashley POV:

After leaving Uncle Bobby's home , after being told from Niall he had wanted to leave , he isn't usually like this when he visits his dad - there could be a possible reason behind this ; but we were now in the car driving back to mine - I think he must have discovered something - but mostly I think I have got all my studying done and all the revision stuck in my head , I can ace this exam.

"Niall - you normally leave the next day when you visit your dad what happened?" I asked after a long term of silence occurred.

"I uh - nothing , nothing happened - he said he was busy and he couldn't be here for the rest of the time im here so I decided to give him a free ticket which allows him to go anywhere I was to visit me whenever he had the time" He said while keeping his eye on the road - clearly I knew he was lying but I didn't want to start a fight or interfere with anything.

"It would be great if he came to visit you on tour , I mean our family never got to leave Mullingar just you - so it would be great for him to travel" I said trying to be on the same subject as trying to act like I don't know that he was clearly lying to me by the way he had started.

"Have you studied enough to pass your exam ? " he asked me stopping the car the traffic light

"Yeah , I have a good feeling that I will pass this - so I Paul coming to pick you up from mine?" I asked him trying to change the subject so the pressure doesn't really get to me about the Exam.

"Yeah , I'll send him a message once we get back to yours" he said driving the car once again when the light turned green.

"Is it alright if you put my phone on charge in the little cabinet near the wheel Niall?" I asked him handing him over my phone after stopping at another traffic light that was nearly at mine - as he nods and takes it plugging it in for me. "Do you want to drive to the hotel to save Paul the hassle of driving to mine then back , I can drive back"

"Yeah that would work" he said making a left and heading to a hotel which wasn't far from mine. I simply nod and look out the window seeing millions of fans run by holding stuff.

Niall POV:

I was now pulling up Ash's car to the front entrance of the hotel door - as I notice Paul getting out the van he drives in front of us. As we both get out of the car I leave the door open for Ashley.

"Alright see you later  - good luck for the exam Ash believe it you will pass" I said holding in to the the drivers waiting for Ashley to get in , " I have 100% belief in you" I said with a nod which brought a smile on her face.

"Thanks - i'll do my best" she said as I closed the door for her while she buckled herself in and turn the key in the ignition. I wave her goodbye as the car left the hotels gate. After she was gone I walked over to Paul who was waiting for me at the door. "Nice to bump into you at this time hey" I said lightly punching Paul

"Yeah , stressful management meeting earlier - but its fine"

"You know the big black locked door I always talked about over at my dads?" I asked him walking into the lobby of the hotel seeing all the boys sitting there being normal idiots.

"Yeah what about it" he said stopping infront of me , while telling the rest of the boys to come over.

" I found out what was behind it , Ashley isn't my cousin" I said in a really happy tone

"What is she then and why are you happy about it ?" he asked me as he directed us to go to the Van that awaits us "You got rehearsals"

"Okay , So - I found albums millions of them behind that door , of me and Ashley as babies and toddlers - on the first album its said My Little Twins and so on - which explains that shes my sister ! my twin sister!" I said getting all excited

"So that's was the dream you had in the car ride back here the other day" he asked me opening the door

"Niall - I didn't know you had a twin" Liam said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah the exact same dream - and Liam I didn't know that either till today" I smiled

"Well - are you going to tell her?" Liam asked as I got into the van after him and sitting in the seat across from his.

"I really cant tell her specifically to her - dad said she will eventually find out , but I think that my dad gives it away a lot" I said

Kevin POV:

We were 3 minutes from full time - Our score was still the same from the first half , 3-2 I guess the score was when we left for half time. But we wont let Doncaster beat us this time I simply wont have this happening once again to the boys team.

As Luca controls the ball as passes it over to another player that's on our team - the ball is passed around a couple times as we get closer and closer to the goal - the ball was finally passed over to me as there was 30 seconds left of the game I quickly chipped the ball directly into the goal as the keeper misses the shot , I began running pulling my shirt over my chin.

The thousands of people who were sitting in the stands cheer and scream - well only Derby's fans cheered as we won , everyone went round the football field and shook the other teams hands and thanked them for coming over to play a decent match with us.


Ashley POV:

As soon as I make a right from Niall's Hotel I pass Derby's football stadium - to hear thousands of people scream and cheer Derby numerous times , I guess the boys won the game. I continue driving and thinking why did Niall want to leave early.

Yet again , there was traffic somehow I have no idea - I put my car on break and wait for the traffic to slowly move forwards as I get a phone call.

On the hand free machine near the door of the drivers side to answer the person who was calling me , it was dad - he must be either coming back home or he was free from handling the boys he it working with right now,

"Hey dad what's up" I asked

"Just wondering what you were up today - since I got the free time" he said

"Ooh just went to Uncle Bobby's"

"How is he doing?"

"he seems great - got the rest of my studying done" I said driving the car forwards a bit more after lifting the breaks up

"Are you sure ? I want you to do the best - and I know you want to got with Niall on tour so if you want to go with him you have to get at least a B in the exam okay" he said as I heard voices in the background hearing a scream at the same time.

"yeah im sure , you better sort the boys out" I said laughing

"Alright see you dear good luck for the exam" he said

"Thanks dad , bye" I ended the call by tapping the touch screen on the thing and continuing to drive forwards , so far this wasn't going very well , if you know Niall doesn't do well when he's in traffic he's practically the boy version of me - no patients no nothing.

"HURRY THE FUCK UP MY WIFE IF PREGNANT!!" I heard a man shout from far behind me as I started laughing as I closed my window , I wasn't laughing loud of course - I wouldn't want to cause trouble between me and that man. 

Moments later , the traffic ended - as I made a turn onto the university campus to grab something from my locker , I walk over to the physics department and walk through the corridor towards the lockers that was in the main entrance of the University's building.

I don't get it , when they say - When students learn from a specific department they cannot park wherever they want , they will have to park in their department area , for example Physics whoever takes that would have to park in the physics department and have to walk over to the class you didn't pick first which is stupid.

Well , anyway after grabbing whatever I  needed from my locker I headed out by to my car and drove back home to relax before have an early night sleep to be ready for the exam which is early in the morning.

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