Chapter 20

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Ashley POV:

I couldn't help but think of the main possibilities of leaving Derby. There's always one moment where I blank off my surroundings and think for the better.

"Since , I will be going on a couple month tour with Niall and his band , maybe I can stay you in contact with you guys" I say , still zoning out everything , all I could hear was my thoughts .. all I saw was their movement but no their voices.

"I'll be missing a third of the matches of the new season probably" I said again , as my zoning out faded away

"There's a tour for Derby O19's remember , their going around in different parts if the world to meet and play" Cody says , I forgot about that - he never really told anyone else about it

Once the word 'tour for Derby O19's' it got everybodies attention , all postures changed - more of the leaning on their legs to hear more information about it.

"Maybe , depends on the date" I said , I was clearly trying to aim for a debate but the wardens of the game told us to head out for the second half.

Niall POV

How could the girl I reported get Ashley's phone when clearly she was escorted out the premises of the stadium , all locker rooms are locked when the players exit and enter the pitch or when they have half time , how could she possibly get her phone.

I make my way back to the stands as the second half is about to start , things flow through my mind as usual , the fact of Ashley leaving her childhood dream , that i obviously helped her with another problem i have is that why would she challenge us with a freaking court thing.

"Hey What you thinking boy?" Dad asks me as soon as i sit down in the seat next to him

"We'll be in court" i mutter sowly and calmy as possible , but i clench my hands tightly into balled up fists which turn white.

"Court?" he says confused "What did she do now?" i guess he's refering to Ashley , she tends to get in trouble alot now but not with polices , just trouble with people who annoy her, or the girl who was escorted out the stadium.

"Ashley , didnt do anything - Kevin called me up a moment ago , saying he recieved a call from Doncaster 13 from Ashley's phone saying she wants to take this to court" there a brief explanation as simple enough for dad to undestand.

"What on earth is going through her mind , she did break a third of the rules in Derby and has her father , she can not get whatever you guys call it now , revenge or something back on you guys where she herself clearly did something bad herself." He says , he was clearly the one who gave Ashley the earge to debate on everything.

"The problem is , she thinks Kevin's father is a real lawyer when he said it sarcastically - i dont think we have the lawyer to do that , plus right now we- "

"We do have a really go lawyer son , remember Jon Lawth when you were a kid?" he asked , as i nodded.

i do remember him , he was the guy who was in the war and the tattoo of dignity and hope on his arm , which he barely showed to anyone but people who he cares about or like .. he was a solider but then gave up because it was hard work and studied law instead , which got him to where he is noow top 5 best lawyers here.

"He can help , i was just talking to him this morning , i think i can ask him to help you guys out, Also do not mention a single thing about this court thing to your sister , she wont be included in this , even if the girl said she was" he says , he turns his attention to the field where thousands scream at a goal by Ashley herself . " She needs to prepare herself for the future , she may be 2 minutes older than you Niall but she follows your steps"

Okay , that's not fair , now i wished mum pooped me out first so i wouldnt have been the youngest out me , her and Greg. Another thing is why would Ashley follow in my footsteps , i havent done anything good to have her support me - or have i?

Ashley POV:

5-2 , Derby win! , all we could do on the way back to the locker rooms was jump on eachother and cheer all the way , being loud as possible. I was last to leave the field of course as i had to talk to the other teams captain , as we probably previously met.

"You know what , thanks for your brother for cutting 13 off our team" she said before we turn different ways to the locker rooms.

"What did she do to make you , you know , dislike her?" i had to ask , cause 13 was extremely annoying

"Remember Doncaster was like in the top 10 last year with you guys still leading in front of us?"  she asks as i nod , " Well , since she joined - she's been causing the rest of the team trouble , making us drop by a point each game by doing her regular things" she says using her fingers as speech marks.

"Regular things?" i asked

"Yeah" she says crossing her arms leaning against the right wall. "She and her family infact , she has many family memebers working for different teams , what they do is get people fired and when they take revenge on her she tens to take it to court"

"Wow , shes messed up" i say.

"Urm , Ash your stuff has been gone through!" Lauren shouts from down the hall , i hate people doing that specifically when theres a strict rule of phone stealing. "Your phones missing aswell" she shouts again and walks back into the locker room.

"Good luck" Doncastors captains says and walks down the hallway down to their locker room as i run back to our changing room and rumagging through my bags to truly find most my stuff missing , including my phone , who would do this and why would they do this? , the locker room was always supposed to be locked when we leave for anything or unlocked when we go in and it couldnt be any of the girls cause their busy chatting about stuff for the weekened.

"Where is my most of my stuff!?" i scream , if it was 13 i will literally kill her.

"Werent they iin your bag?" Cody walks in with a confused look with all the noise.

"Well their not now , i swear i put them in my bag before the game even started! , my phones gone aswell and i mean that has private stuff on it " i say kicking the locker lightly to throw my anger at it.

"Dont you have a passcode like everyone else does?" he asks

"Yeah , but its a bit obvious to whoever has it , has enough time to try every number they can just to get init"

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