Chapter 23

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Niall POV:

I thought this day would never come , no really i actually thought this day wouldnt actually come to this conclusion. Your confused? , i can tell by your thinking face and your raised eyebrow - i'm talking about Ashley's Graduation , i never guessed it would result to having another sibling graduating university but me.

Ashley , clearly was extremely happy about today , it's all she cant stop smiling , jumping , screaming and talking about since we all woke up to her skipping inthe hallway early on , which was roughly 7am!. She wont be taking the master's she said , as i child i knew Ashley as the one who hated school and couldnt wait to finish , so - she's earned it now , but then she needs a job.

A job ....

"Ashley Rose Horan , i am very proud of you" Luke says stuffing a fork into his mouth which had egg on it , a moment ago when i walked in , i thought he was going to choke himself with it , everytime he does that i literally scares me - wondering what Liz would think would be the most threatening thing.

"Thank you Lucas Robert Hemmings" she says reaching over the dining table for the jug of orange juice. Now , for only staying over at dad's for a day it makes it seem as if she lived here her entire life. I walk over slowly and quietly , wanting to scare Ashley because her back was against the door , i set my phone on the side table by the door , Luke spots me an inch from Ashley and tries to not give me away when , "Niall , i know you behind me"

"Dame you luke!" i say laughing lightly , turning my attention to Luke , who now stares at me blankly with a small smirk across his face. "What's with the sinister smile dude , your too young to do that" i say picking up a piece of toast biting from it leaning a hand against the back of Ashley's chair.

"You are never too young to do things" Greg walks in , already in his outfit , very appealing Greg ... very.

"GREG!" Ashley raises her voice still eating away at her breakfast , "Don't give him any ideas!" she says again , now trying to keep in a laugh that was about to come , then suddenly the room filled with laughter now that Luke was tickling her side. "Stop it!"

"Ooo , i'm telling Kevin!" Greg says taking his phone out his pocket and raising it to Ashley and Luke hieght , all i could do now was stand there watching Luke tickle Ashley , holding in a laugh balling up my fist to my mouth whilst Greg tried getting a shot but i was in the way.

Talking about Kevin , a thought came to mind that not only today was a good day , that today was also a bad day - well atleast for me , Kevin and dad , since we are going to court 3 hours after the graduation ceremony , which i taken place in the cathedral Greg and Denise got married in. Guess where it is - a block away from cathedral , if that girl see's Ash ,she will literally pull her to the case aswell.

Ashley POV:

Here we go! Ah! , i'm so excited!! - ever since i was a child , i was ever so determined to finish school and never go back to it , unless if it was important or something like that , if you know what i mean. I had to leave earlier than everyone else due to us to all prepare ourselves and looked ready , also i had to collect the hat and gown from the main hall of the university and make my way to the cathedral , if i remember the way.

"Alright , i'm off to collect my gown and head to the cathedral - you all have your tickets right?" i ask grabbing my small bag from the couch in the living room , now you wondering what im wearing - just a casually large white shirt , not those that cover the legs and a black skirt with black converses. Don't judge , i dont like wearing wedges or heels , i aint a girly girl.

"Yes ,we've got it - its in Luke's pocket , cause WE trust him with it" Niall says looking at Luke as if he loses everything he was given to look after which makes me smile a little , not sheepishly or creepy like i used to , just a casual normal one.

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