Chapter 4

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Niall POV:

So , Luke told me and Zayn we had to meet Paul and the other guys down in the lobby of the hotel by 3:40 and we left our room at 3:30 and we clearly have been waiting here for like 1 hour sitting in these comfortable seats and waiting with an awkward silence till they finally come ... which was 4:20

"Paul , your late , we've been waiting here for almost an hour" I said getting up from my seat and walking to him

"Sorry Niall , had to get Harry out his room he took long choosing what sort of clothing he would wear to the photo-shoot and not know that he will end up changing" Paul blabbed on though I didn't really listen ... "Niall are you even listening to me!?" I was so staring into space now "Argh come on" Paul picks me up and puts me over his shoulder , making me notice that Harry was there to.

"So I found a moustache , a unibrow and a phrase on my face" Harry said looking at me as if I was the main person who did it.

"Dude , I didn't do I swear" I  looked back at him with a raised eyebrow " Does it look like I have enough sleep to pull a prank on you mate?"

"True" he pats me on the shoulder.

"Where's Zayn gone?" I ask , no longer seeing Zayn sitting in the seat where he and I were waiting for Paul to come down

"He's in the van right now" Paul said putting both me and harry back on our feet and opening the door which slides open , revealing Liam , Louis and Zayn playing on their phones , while Liam was blasting out old songs from the 90s from his iPhone

"Kill - joy!" Harry shouted and got in the van before me , Kill joy is all he can think of really?

Ashley POV:

I was not far off from Derby's football training ground , yeah I play for Derby's girls team ... I bet you guys didn't really see that coming did you haha!  ... Anyway - they let me into the football ground whenever I want and anytime , even during midnight. Through-out the whole time I have been driving to the stadium I have been thinking what was Kevin trying to do , was he trying to hit on me thinking I was one of the cheerleaders? or did he have feelings for me?. No ash! don't think that way he's your bestfriend and always will be your bestfriend and nothing else.

I reached the parking lot of the training stadium and parked my car in the parking space "8" which was my number when I play football , so after parking the car - I got my bag and locked the car walking into the front entrance of the stadium. I walked through numerous hallways to the locker room and got changed into my kit and put on my astro's and walked to the front desk to sign in and get the keys so I could unlock the gate so I could get to pitch. Of course I brought my blades as well , they were in my hand while I left my bag in my locker.

"Hello Ashley - nice seeing you here , what do you need?" My coach who was serving the front desk today well partly because normally we have an old woman , shes probably on a loo break , probably shitting her ass off in the loo for an hour and a half.

"Hey coach , I need the keys to the gate so I can do a little practise" I said to him while writing down my name and my signature on the clipboard hanging on the wall next to a load of trophies and photo's of the girls Derby team.

"Call me Cody , when your not in practise Ashley , bet your here cause of what Kevin did aren't you" he walks around the front desk handing me the keys

"Cody then haha , Yeah - he's always been a pain in the arse" I said laughing taking the keys from his hand

"Listen Ashley , don't take a fuck of a word he is trying to say to you okay , your - your own person and you can do what you feel" He says putting one hand on my shoulder

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