Chapter 9

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Niall POV:

After playing with Theo for a while , I decided to use the bathroom  - never been since this morning and it was now 3:40pm which means I really had to go. "Greg - I need the bathroom" - I said to him whilst looking at him.

"Don't tell me , you know where the bathroom is - I mean you lived here!" He said punching me lightly in the arm and laughing.

"May I have a map because I have been in her for a pretty long time" I jokingly getting up

"Yeah its near the stairs buddy" he laughed picking up Theo who was now crying , probably need a nappy  change or whatever you do to babies to stop them crying. As I walked out the living room and ran up the stairs to the bathroom.

Ashley POV:

For the past couple hours I have been looking back and fourth through my books and my MacBook taking notes and researching stuff into a more clear definition and to go into for depth,

"Im Home!" I heard voice coming from the front door , I just casually sat there still revising and jotting stuff down. "I saw a white ford fiesta in front I hope its my lovely niece " he said slowly walking up to the living room probably knowing where I would be.

"Yeah its me" I smiled spinning around in the chair to face the person.

"Come give your uncle a hug! haven't seen you in ages!" He said with a huge smile on his face and opening his arms. As I walk over and hugged him - "So what is my dau - niece up too?" , was he going to say daughter ? well he does treat me as if I was his daughter though.

"Well , im revising for my exam tomorrow and if I pass - dad says if I get a high grade I will be able to tour with Niall" I said looking at him as his face lightly drops into a frown . "Hey , Uncle Bobby what's wrong?"

"Its - just I don't want to let my niece to leave Mullingar"

"I wont be gone for long - just for a couple months that's all" I said trying to cheer him up

"Better " he said bringing a smile on his face  , "Get your butt back to revising missy" he said laughing and pointing toward the desk with my text books and MacBook on.

"Fine - I had fun" I said pouting and slowly walking towards Greg's old desk

"Right , im going upstairs to check the window out I wont be long" he said winking toward Greg as he nods , they probably know something , what are they not telling anyone ? , Uncle Bobby walked out the living room and walking up the stairs , I could tell that he was cause of the see through door on Greg's side of the living room , they don't really use that door so they put a couch infront of it to stop people from going in through that door.

"What was the wink for?!" I said turning to Greg being suspicious

"Oh , he winked at me - um because I broke the window not long ago" He said stopping at the first bit the stating again.

"Yeah , alright whatever you say cuz " I turn around in the chair and begins to do my studying again.

Niall POV:

Just as I leave the bathroom , I noticed the room next door , which was the huge black door that's always locked up I was talking about to Ashley the other say - as I quietly tip toed over to the room and opened it a little seeing that my dad was in there as I quickly shot run back into the bathroom and locking it quietly hoping he didn't see me.

"Right , Greg! - im going to leave the door open for some air to get in , while I get some sealer for the window " I heard him saying through the bathroom door as my head was leaning against it and whispering to myself "Window? what about the window that fucking door has been locked for ages"  as soon I as I hear the front door close I run in to the room next door and lock it instantly,

I saw albums , photo albums - different colours , just like the one I saw when I had the little nap in the car ride back to the hotel - exactly like the dream I had , the way it was laid out - they way it was arranged. There was a desk near the window , I walked over to the window to see what was wrong with it and there was nothing wrong with it  - was dad trying to stall both me and Ashley about something? - as sat down at the desk grabbing a photo album that was close to me to see on the top it saying "My two little twins at birth"

I flicked through the photo's in that album seeing many pictures of Me and Ashley together in mums arms , seeing us wearing the same one piece but different colours - us in another one piece sleep suit with an arrow on each pointing to one and another saying " My Brother" it was pointing to me " My Sister" the one I wore was pointing towards  Ashley - We slept in the same cot because we were the same size. I moved to the next album I was next to " The twins at toddler age" Toddler age? I thought as I looked through the album. As I continued through this process of looking at these pictures.

"Greg are you in there open up" I hear my dads voice lightly knocking on the door , I though Greg was downstairs - he must have left to get a drink and left Theo with Ashley downstairs. "Greg come on open up" he knocked again as I sat there in the chair starring the door , thinking why has this been kept away from both me and Ashley. "Greg open up!" he started banging on the door harder

I got up and walked over to the door and stood there trying to wipe the tear that has already formed under my eye and opened the door. "Why would you do that dad!" I saw my dad standing there, "WHY!?"

"Niall , you weren't supposed to see them" He said touching my arm

"Don't touch me! - you lied to me and Ashley ! why did you separate us for if we're twins!" I said stepping backwards into the room as he followed me in and closed the door.

"Listen Niall - we separate you both because we couldn't handle it - the both of you crying and not wanting to leave eachother" Dad said to me as the conversation went on.

"Cant I tell Ashley?" I asked

"She will find out eventually like you did " He said

"Cant I ju-"

"No Niall you cant even tell her" he said cutting me off

"Fine" I said getting up from my seat and walking away and down the stairs and then walking to the living room ready to leave.

"Ash - can we go Paul has arranged something for me - i'll drive this time" I said standing at the door of the living room and leaning against the door frame. As she turned around on the chair with Theo on her lap.

"Yeah sure, i'll just pack up my things and put Theo to sleep then we can go" She said patting Theo making him sleep and putting him into a cot the belongs to both me and Ashley 19 years ago - while packing all her stuff into her bag slowly and tossing me the keys. "Start the car i'll be out in a few" she said as I nodded and walked out the house and walking over to the car.

I sat in the car waiting for Ashley for a while , I decided to write a note telling her what I had saw in the locked room that we were never told about that was inside and put it into the little cabinet on the drivers side where she puts her phone and plugs it in so she doesn't have to answer the phone while driving with having her phone to her ear ... This was hand free. After waiting a bit longer Ashley came out with her bag and put it into the back seats of the car as got in.

"All ready now drive away" she said putting on the seatbelt on the passenger side.

"Lets do this" I said laughing and turning the key in the ignition and backing out the drive way making sure not to hit my dads car.

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