Chapter 7

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Niall POV:

The drive back to the hotel wasn't long , during the ride I drifted off - it was kinda the first moment of sleep I ever had since the plane ride back home. The dream I had was about seeing what my dad kept behind that jet black locked up door in his how , seeing more and more pictures of me and Ashley as babies in different coloured photo albums. Us wearing the same clothing , us wearing the same baby sleep suits but different colours and us in my mums arms. There was suddenly a tap on my arm as I shook it off.

"Niall buddy we're at the hotel now wake up mate." Paul said tapping me on the shoulder again. As I open my eyes as my eyes react to the bright light that shines right into my eyes blinding me.

"AH!" I Screamed "That is the most brightest fucking light in history shit man" I said again covering my eyes for a few moment while Paul opened the door for me.

"How bright do you expect it to be when its late at night Niall?" He said laughing while closing the door after I got out.

"Less bright than it is right now - man its like me seeing Harry trying to fly a spaceship to the sun and sitting infront to get an extra saucy tan for his ladies" I laughed while walking up the entrance and waiting for Paul to follow me in.

"You see that too!" Paul laughed elbowing me in the arm making me laugh once again. "When do you want me to come round to get you when I take you to Ashley's?" he said to me as we both walked to the elevators.

"Hmm round about 10:30 would be fine for me" I said rubbing my chin and pressing the 40th floor after rubbing my chin

"Then I will be there at 10:30 you better be ready cause I wont be dressing you like last time" He said making me laugh remembering the moment when I forgot to wake up early and was to lazy to get up and get changed - I shook my head simply while smiling.

"See you tomorrow Paul" I said while walking out the elevator and walking to my share room with Zayn and Luke and knocking on the door while also leaning on the huge door frame casually waiting for the door to open.

I have been literally waiting outside my room door for 30 minutes now and knocking the door and being watched by strangers thinking that im a weirdo trying to perv on the person on the other side of the door. "Zayn! open the door your cunt!" I shout through the door and banging on a couple times before it opened revealing Zayn shirtless. "What took you long to the door ? busy looking at yourself in the mirror like the wicked which in snow white?" I said walking through the door and kicking my shoes off and walking to the little kitchen in my socks while trying now to slip.

"I had a shower man , cant you tell that I smell as fresh as a daisy?" He said walking towards me rubbing his body making laugh.

"Awh man don't do that infront of me im not gay!" I laughed throwing a tea towel at him and grabbing a drink from the fridge.

"I know but I smell fresh and clean" He said taking the tea towel off his head and ruffling his hair back into that messy hairstyle like he had when we were at the judges house. "You going anywhere tomorrow Niall?"

"Um , im going back to Ashley's" I said taking a sip of water from the bottle of water I had in my hand.

"What is she your new obsession?" He said

"No , shes driving me to my dads and spend a day with us - got a problem?" I said setting the bottle on the counter

"No I do not" He threw his hands in the air as if he was going to be arrested by the police.

"Where's Luke?" I asked walking out the kitchen and going towards my suitcase I casually left in the corner of the living room.

"With the other lads of 5SOS doing a twitcam" He said collapsing on the couch and turning on the TV and setting it to Xbox mode.

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